Companies should follow five key steps to adopt AI safely

Businesses have undergone tremendous changes with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). Those who integrate this technology have the potential to revolutionize all facets of their business operations. In fact, everything from customer-facing applications and services, back-end data and IT infrastructure to workforce engagement can all be augmented with the help of AI. But big opportunities also bring new risks, and business leaders must consider the security implications of introducing AI into their businesses.

A primary concern when it comes to AI adoption is identity management. The incidence rate of identity-related breaches has increased in recent times, with 68% of companies reporting a significant impact on business due to such attacks by 2022. Cyber ​​attackers’ use of AI for advanced deep-fake fraud attacks and machine learning-based social engineering adds a new layer of complexity to the identity-related threats organizations face, making them difficult to predict.