Ashley Stanik: Young mum-of-four’s tragic final request moments before she suddenly died without warning on Christmas Day as her daughters unwrapped their presents

A young mother of four tragically died as her daughters opened their presents on Christmas Day.

Ashley Stanik told her ex-boyfriend and father of her children, Kane, that she wasn't feeling well and needed to lie down.

Ms Stanik asked Mr Stanik to film the girl's reaction as she opened their presents while she rested at her home in Deception Bay, 40km north of Brisbane.

However, the 33-year-old died while her children, aged 17, 12, 8 and 4, were opening their presents that she had wrapped and placed under the Christmas tree the night before.

Her sister-in-law Cassandra said the family are struggling to come to terms with Ms Stanik's death as there were no signs she was unwell.

Ashley Stanik (pictured center) died suddenly on Christmas Day while her children were opening presents

“There was no indication that anything was wrong, which makes it even harder to understand,” she told the newspaper Courier mail.

Cassandra said Ms Stanik was shopping for presents on Christmas Eve and had a busy start to the morning the next day.

“She had been awake for a few hours in the morning, but went back to sleep to see if she could sleep it off,” Cassandra said.

“My brother Kane went in around 1:30 a.m. to wake her up, but it was too late. She had already left us'.

Ms. Stanik's daughters are reeling from their mother's death and are now with their father.

Mr. Stanik cannot afford the funeral costs as he receives a disability pension.

The family also does not know who will own the house that was registered in Ms Stanik's name.

The mother of four (pictured centre) asked her ex-partner to film the excited reactions of her daughters as they opened their presents, but she died as they opened their presents

Cassnadra said Mr Stanik had spent most of his time at the house caring for his daughter so he could make it easier for them to stay together as a family.

She pointed one GoFundMe page on Tuesday in an effort to raise money to pay for Ms. Stanik's funeral.

'[We are] “Because she wanted to raise money for the funeral and help her four children, she unfortunately left us on Christmas Day,” she wrote.

'They (the children) have to say goodbye without anyone knowing how to pay [for the] funeral and how much help these children will need to get back to normal.”

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