EXCLUSIVE: Yorkshire settle out of court with fitness coach Peter Sim after they confirm he was unfairly dismissed by email last year in the wake of the Azeem Rafiq racism scandal
- Yorkshire have settled out of court with the fitness coach they sacked last year
- Cricket club sacked Peter Sim by email while he worked on England’s Ashes tour
- Yorkshire confirmed in a statement that Sim was unfairly dismissed from his role
Yorkshire have settled out of court with the fitness coach they sacked last year by email while he was working on England’s Ashes tour.
The agreement avoids Peter Sim pursuing claims alongside five former colleagues at Leeds Employment Tribunal from late October and in turn leaves him free to take up further commitments with England teams this coming winter.
‘The club has acknowledged that it did not follow a fair procedure in dismissing Mr Sim, resulting in the Employment Tribunal issuing a Judgment by Consent, confirming that Mr Sim was unfairly dismissed on procedural grounds.
‘The parties have agreed terms of settlement, which are confidential,’ Yorkshire said in a statement released to Sportsmail.
Yorkshire have settled out of court with the fitness coach Peter Sim, who they sacked last year
Although he has received a pay-out, it is understood Sim’s primary motive in taking legal action was to repair damage to his reputation as one of the country’s leading strength and conditioning coaches, incurred by being one of the Headingley staff members culled in the wake of Azeem Rafiq’s whistle-blowing on racism.
Weeks after discovering his fate, while serving on England Lions’ backroom staff during an intra-squad match against England last December, he was taken on by Worcestershire, a move which saw him return to work quickly but incur enforced re-location costs.
Earlier this month, Sim was seconded by the Lions for their four-day win over South Africa and an ECB spokesperson on Wednesday confirmed it likely that further international duties will be offered between September and March next year.
Sim was working on England’s 2021-22 Ashes tour (pictured) when he was sacked by email