Woman who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth in Taco Bell- just months after losing her nine-month old son in car crash

A woman who had no idea she was pregnant gave birth at a Taco Bell just months after losing her nine-month-old son in a car accident.

Breonni Jackson, a home health nurse from Virginia, stopped by the Taco Bell-KFC in South Richmond to pick up lunch for her, the patient she was caring for.

During the April 30 visit, she had severe stomach cramps and ran to the bathroom. She noticed there was blood and panicked calling her husband.

Her husband, Jamarz Jackson, who works near VCU Medical Center, remembered his wife ‘Crying, breathing heavily. As he rushed to get to her. He said, he heard a ‘heartbreaking scream, and then silence.

He heard his wife shout: ‘O my God, O my God.’ Then she told him, “I just had a baby.” Shocked, he replied, “What have you done?!” And asked ‘Boy or girl?’

“It’s a girl,” his wife said before calling 911. The fast food chain’s employees were unaware that a baby was being born a few feet away from them until the ambulance arrived.

Breonni Jackson went into labor at the Taco-Bell just months after losing her son in a car accident. She is pictured with her new daughter and her husband Jamarz Jackson

Baby Ayanna was born on April 30 and was a ‘gift’ and a ‘dream come true’ for the parents

Last June, Breonni and her husband Jamarz lost their nine-month-old son Jy’Aire, who died in a car crash near the intersection of Hull Street Road and Skinquarter Lane, as reported by WTVR News.

Breonni had been driving when her car struck a pickup truck and a camper that drove onto the shoulder, the news station said.

The ordeal was a nightmare for the parents. She recalled, “It was the worst thing I ever experienced knowing that I lost my son doing something I do every day.”

She was charged with two felonies, one of which was dismissed. She received a suspended sentence and a fine for poor braking.

Breonni told the press that the loss of their son tested their faith. Desperate, Jamazrz said, “As he questioned God, you know, you know, why?” he said.

Breonni was still grieving the loss of her son and said her daughter’s birth “couldn’t have come at a better time.”

She added: ‘I’m still in shock.’

The Taco Bell-KFC located in South Richmond’s business district and the location where Breonni gave birth to her unexpected bundle of joy

The Jackson’s had no idea they would become parents again.

Breonni said she did not know she was pregnant, and learned from doctors that she had a condition known as a cryptic pregnancy.

The pregnancy is rare and the expectant mother does not feel or notice any signs or symptoms until late in the pregnancy, or they go into labor.

She was 34-1/2 weeks pregnant when she gave birth, a full-term pregnancy lasting between 39 weeks, or 40 weeks and 6 days, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Their daughter, named Ayanna, is a ‘dream come true’.

“Losing one and actually gaining one is absolutely the best gift we could ever ask for,” Breonni said.

The delighted father said: ‘But look, a miracle. Out of nowhere…in a Taco Bell restroom.”

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