Woman learns her dad isn’t her biological father after a STRANGER texted her to get a DNA test


A woman has detailed how she learned her father is not her biological father after a stranger approached her and urged her to take a DNA test, saying she had cut off her mother over decades of betrayal.

Lane, known as @laneiscool14 on TikTok, shared the incredible story of how she connected with her biological father in a series of now-viral videos. videosincluding how she recently met him and his half-sisters for the first time.

“About a year ago, on January 9, I got a text telling me to take an Ancestry DNA test, and I think it’s fake,” he recalled. “I FaceTime my friend, and I’m like, ‘Listen to this.’ And she’s like, “I swear my gut tells me this is real. You have to answer.”

Lane, known as @laneiscool14 on TikTok, shared the incredible story of how she found out that the father who raised her is not her biological father in a series of now-viral videos.

Lane admitted she got “freaked out” when she saw this photo of her biological father and realized how much they look alike

She took her friend’s advice and wrote back saying that she “already tried 23andMe the year before because it was on sale.”

“I was hoping to find out that I was secretly exotic or related to royalty, but I’m only English and Irish as I thought I was,” she explained.

Lane noted that the person also created a prepaid Facebook account to message her and her husband about taking an Ancestry DNA test.

“You have other family that you may not be aware of,” he texted, though he did not provide any evidence to back up his claims.

“Obviously, I called my mom right away and was like, ‘What the hell?'” said Lane, whose parents divorced when she was nine.

“My mom always told me this story about how she was an alcoholic and my dad was a cheater. So when I called her, she said, “I know exactly what you’re talking about. I had an affair.” I almost fell out of my fucking chair,” she recalled. She had an affair with a boy ten years her junior when she was in college.

Lane explained that a stranger texted her in January and told her to take an Ancestry DNA test, claiming she had family she didn’t know.

Lane later clarified that her mother went back to school to become a teacher at 35 and had a “one-off” affair with her biological father, who was 25 at the time.

He even saw it on campus and said, “Is that mine?” and she denied it,’ he said.

She immediately ordered a test from Ancestry and received her life-changing results six weeks later.

“I found out that yes, this man is my father, this stranger,” he explained. So I texted him right away and he lives in California. He is British. What the hell?

She said that my mother sent her a Christmas card when I was two years old, saying my name on it, and that she has Googled my name ever since. In 2007, my name came up, she saw a picture of me, and she knew right away that I was her daughter.

Lane said he emailed his mother because he wanted to get in touch with her, but she begged him to leave them alone. Her mother claimed that she was “mentally ill” and that she “could hurt herself” if she ever found out the truth.

‘So what did he do? She followed me on social media all my life. She saw me go out with my boyfriend, get married, have children, everything, everything from the outside, without being able to know me, ”she explained.

When she called her mother, she admitted that she had a ‘one-off’ affair with another man, but never told her or the father who raised her.

A DNA test confirmed that the man, who is British and lives in California, is her biological father.

The video has been viewed more than 10.4 million times since it was posted on November 30 and thousands of people flocked to the comments to ask questions.

Several TikTok users were moved because her biological father used social networks to follow her for all these years.

Lane filmed a series of follow-up videos in response, explaining how she eventually ended up meeting her biological father.

In 2008, a year after her father became close to her mother, she moved to California to attend beauty school. He was living in the state at the time and knew she was there thanks to social media. He once called the salon where he worked just to hear his voice.

He was even going to come get a haircut, but his wife talked him out of it. She was convinced that she would recognize him,” she said.

Lane didn’t learn the truth until nearly 14 years later. but to the surprise of many viewers, it was not her biological father who sent her those text messages. Actually, it was her nephew, who experienced a similar situation and did not want her to go through what he went through.

To the surprise of many viewers, it was not her biological father who sent her the text messages. It was her nephew, who had a similar situation and did not want her to go through what he went through.

Lane also shared that realizing that her mother has been lying to her for years has led them to grow apart. “Cutting up my mother was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done,” she said.

After connecting with her biological father, she learned that she has two half-sisters who are “much younger.” She pointed out that one of her father’s daughters is only two years older than her son.

Lane also shared that realizing that her mother has been lying to her for years has led them to grow apart.

“You can imagine that a secret of this magnitude would require a lot of lies, betrayal and manipulation to keep it for such a long time,” he said. Cutting up my mother was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I never would have expected it. we were like that [crossed fingers] growing. She used to tell people that she was my soul mate.

Lane added that she met her long-lost father and his family three weeks ago after months of sending and receiving emails, but it wasn’t what she imagined it would be.

In another video, she explained that he didn’t make much eye contact with her and seemed uninterested in what she had to say.

‘I felt that he was stupid. I felt like she didn’t like me,’ he admitted.

Lane acknowledged that they might have different personalities, but said it was particularly difficult to watch how he lovingly interacted with his other daughters.

Our interactions left me very confused, very invalidated. I was there like five days. We would meet once or twice a day to hang out and go out to eat or something, and each time I felt like I was pulling information out of him and I felt like he didn’t like me,” she recalled.

“I was good until the last day, and then I got really emotional because I guess I just hoped the last day would be different and when it wasn’t, it was difficult,” he continued.

Lane said she met her long-lost father three weeks ago, but felt he didn’t like him. “I hope our relationship continues to improve,” she added.

Lane revealed in her most recent update that she and the father who raised her have yet to have a conversation about the news, but he knows that she is not his biological daughter.

“So here I am back in New York, and yes, I hope our relationship continues to improve,” he said with a shrug.

Lane revealed in her most recent update that she and the father who raised her have yet to have a conversation about the news, but he knows that she is not his biological daughter.

You’ll all come for me when I tell you this, but the honest truth from God is that I haven’t talked to him about it yet. Before you jump on me, he knows it,” he said.

She explained that one of her older sisters went behind her back and told her while she was waiting for the test results, and now they are separated.

‘I can only imagine that he was as devastated as I was, but there is also the fact that between him and [me], there are not many changes ‘, he insisted. ‘That’s still my dad. I’m still his daughter. My children are still his grandchildren.

Lane explained that she is taking things at her own pace and will eventually talk to him about it.

“I feel like I have two dads now, which is a good thing,” she concluded.

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