Woman finds heartfelt diary her late grandmother kept about her when she was a baby – including a big secret – and people are left in tears

A woman has deeply touched people around the world after sharing her late grandmother’s diary, which she found after she passed away.

Natalie, believed to be from Atlanta, Georgia, passing by @riotgrrr1 on TikTok shared images of some of the cute posts about her.

The message has already been seen by more than 8.2 million people, some of whom were left in tears after reading it.

She wrote on the screen, “After my grandmother died, I found the diary she kept about me,” holding up a cream-colored diary with a small orange flower on the front.

The entries revealed that Natalie’s grandmother had been recording updates and stories about her from the moment she was born.

Natalie, who is from the US and goes by the name @riotgrrr1 on TikTok, shared images of some of the cute posts about her

One of the first messages read: ‘Natalie is a week old today and everything is going well.’

The second page she shared revealed a big secret that her grandmother hadn’t even told Natalie’s parents.

It read: ‘Today you and I have a secret. You took six steps all by yourself. We can’t tell mom or dad.

‘They should be the first to see you walking. You’re lucky little one, everyone loves Natalie.’

An update written afterward added, “Well, little one, everyone knows. Your mom called excitedly to tell me and dad that you started walking.”

Another emotional message shared by Natalie read: ‘Often I wish my mother could just take one look at you. She would just love you to death, like we all do.”

Even more heartfelt pages read: ‘The funny thing is that your arrival has had the ‘grandmother effect’ on me. I just can’t imagine life without you in it.’

There were also pages to mark occasions such as her birthday, on which her grandmother lovingly scribbled: ‘You won’t remember this birthday because you are far too young, but you really are having a wonderful day and are truly a spell to all who love you’.

The second page she shared revealed a big secret that her grandmother hadn’t even told Natalie’s parents

Another message read: ‘Today’s special was Grandpa’s first real kiss from his favorite girl. You made him very happy today (as you do every day).”

Finally, there were predictions about her future, with her grandmother guessing, “I’m sure you’ll be in a rock ‘n’ roll band.”

The final pages Natalie shared read: ‘Love&Hugs, Me (Nana)’ and ‘What do we do next?’

Viewers were left in tears, writing that they “want to sob” and that it is “the sweetest thing ever.”

One commenter wrote: ‘Ouch never considered the possibility of being someone’s grandmother one day and not being able to share it with my mother.’

Another added: ‘It doesn’t matter how old you are or how long it’s been… you always want your mother.’

Meanwhile, a third wrote: ‘She was the first to see you take your first steps and she kept it a secret oh my lord,’ to which Natalie replied that she had ‘no idea’ and will keep their secret ‘for old times’. interest’.

Another user joked: ‘Crying because she didn’t tell your mother about your first steps. She loves you and your mother so much more than you could ever know!’

Viewers were left in tears, writing that they ‘want to sob’ and that this is the ‘sweetest thing ever’

Others chimed in: “If she wishes her mother could have met you, it makes me sick,” and “‘I wish my mother could just take one look at you’ would ruin me.”

Another viewer wrote: ‘Being loved is so crazy,’ while someone else added: ‘“What do we do now?” Her handwriting would make such a good tattoo if that’s what you’re into!’

Emotionally, another viewer said: ‘I love love. I love that she loved you so much, I love that she loved your parents so much that she didn’t tell them about your first steps, I love that she still loved and thought about her own mother.

One mother revealed, “I started keeping a journal for my daughter when she was born. I hope she will cherish it one day.”

Another agreed: ‘I write a diary to my daughter and I always wondered if she would like to read it. It’s mainly about my love for her and the fun things we did that day.’

Fellow granddaughters also responded to the comments, with one writing: ‘When I turned 21 my grandma gave me a book she had completed ‘All About Grandma’ when I was little. I didn’t read it, I wanted to wait because I knew one day she would be gone and I would want to learn new things about her.

“So I waited until she died. it’s been over 10 years and I still haven’t read everything’.

Another admitted: ‘I keep my grandmother’s cards just to read her handwriting. It makes me remember her voice better. Like she’s talking to me.

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