William Tyrrell’s foster parents’ dirty laundry all comes out: Excruciating scenes in court as dad listens to mum telling another bloke she’s ‘over’ her husband

A recording has been aired in court of the confrontational moment when William Tyrrell’s foster mother kicked an 11-year-old girl during an argument over household chores.

In evidence played before the local Parramatta court on Wednesday, the foster mother can be heard talking about what the family has endured since William went missing, and the enduring mystery of what happened to him.

“You don’t know about the things we’ve had to do, you don’t know about the things that are happening now,” the foster mom told the girl after kicking her around 7:45 AM on October 20, 2021.

After the mother assaults the girl, the 11-year-old tells the foster father “she kicked me,” saying it was because the girl had threatened to kick another child.

The foster mother – whose identity has been concealed and known to the court as SD – interrupts and says ‘be quiet and sit down and now you know how it feels’.

The girl then says to SD ‘you are a bad mother’.

The foster parents later tell the girl she can leave the house and when she replies that she’s not coming back, SD says, “Nobody chains you to the front door.”

At one point during arguments between the girl and the foster parents, she says to JS – the foster father – ‘I hate you, I hate her, I hate this family. I have left this family’. The girl directly says to SD, “You’re fucking.”

Another recording was played in SD court with another man as she drove around in a car beating her husband.

Oddly enough, the foster father was next to his wife in court to hear that recording.

William Tyrrell’s foster parents arrive at four courts on Wednesday, who heard the moment she committed her second assault, kicking an 11-year-old girl

“I’m mad at him and when I go home I’m going to say I’m over it,” says SD on October 9, 2021.

‘I am so angry. He treats me like shit. He is supposed to be the father, but he acts like a 16 year old.

‘I’m stuck in it. The house was fine, it was happy. But damn (JS).’

She says her husband was “mean and cruel” to the 11-year-old girl, calls him “a 54-year-old” and complains “there’s no place in that house where I can escape.”

“F***ing (JS)…life doesn’t work on (JS)’s time frame. He doesn’t run the world.’

The foster mother broke down as the recording of her beating the girl played, as she held her head in her hands and wiped her eyes with a tissue.

The audio recordings are played in court during a trial against the foster parents on charges of child abuse, stalking and harassment to cause fear of physical or mental harm.

The accused couple were the foster parents of William Tyrrell who disappeared in September 2014 aged three in the NSW Mid North Coast town of Kendall and no trace of the toddler has ever been found.

No one has ever been charged with his disappearance.

In late 2021, another search was conducted in bushland within 700 meters of the Kendall home where William was last seen, but no items of significance have been identified.

The evidence played on Wednesday followed a dramatic Tuesday in which the mother collapsed while playing a recording of her beating the 11-year-old girl with a wooden spoon.

On the disturbing audio tape, the foster mother can be heard telling the girl to go get the wooden spoon, followed by the sound of the girl being beaten.

The girl then repeatedly whimpers “help me” before SD tells the girl to ‘shut up’.

In a subsequent recorded telephone conversation, the foster mother tells the foster father that they had a problem because the abuse had ‘left a mark’.

The foster parents cried during the playback of the recording, which stemmed from a late night confrontation after they took some of the child’s clothes and toys.

William Tyrrell’s foster mother (centre) – who cannot be identified for legal reasons – appeared in court on Tuesday alongside the missing boy’s foster father

The assault, to which the foster mother pleaded guilty, took place on January 26, 2021.

The recording was made after the SD complained that the girl had “lost $120 worth of clothes” and that she owned “over a thousand dollars worth of toys.”

SD later told a friend that she had “cleaned out” the girl’s room, “thrown her toys” and reduced her to a few pairs of clothes, telling the friend, “I feel awful…but I have to do it, I have to break her.’

On the tape, seeing the room cleared, the girl cries and yells at the couple first, “You ruined everything.” You took everything and I don’t know where it is.’

Then she says, “Please help, I need help. I need some help. Hello, I need help. Please, I need help.’

Then she begins to sob loudly, anguished, and screams, “Please help me.” You can’t do that to me. I need help. I need help. I need help. I need help. I just need help. I just need some help. I just need some help.’

On the tape recording, the girl can be heard moving and says, “I have the iPad upstairs. I’m calling’.

Movement can be heard, then the anguished screams and sobs of the girl and the foster mother who says, “Get up, get up, away from the screen,” and tells her to move her hands before being smacked with the wooden spoon. beaten.

The girl then bursts into a series of nine long, drawn-out utterances of “Noooo.”

At this point while listening in court, the foster mother burst into tears and cried, and her attorney asked for a brief intermission, which Magistrate McIntyre granted.

In a subsequent audio recording, the foster mother tells the girl that if she hears another sound coming from her that night, SD will go to the girl’s room and take her meal away.

“You seem to think you have me under control, that you have the situation under control. You can’t, you never will,” says SD.

There have been multiple disturbing recordings made from vehicles or two Sydney North Shore homes in court, of the 11-year-old girl screaming and sobbing inconsolably as William Tyrrell’s foster parents yell and berate her.

In one audio recording, an apparently enraged foster father yells at the girl in a car as ABC Radio’s morning news plays in the background. It begins, ‘Every damn day!

‘Close the front door. Move, damn move! We are done with this game. I’m over it. Out. It’s fucking ridiculous. I’m fucking over it. It’s bloody stupid.’

As the child’s sobbing continues, the foster father says, “I’m done. You don’t understand, you do this every day. Every day!’

“Don’t lose your dick now,” he says as louder sobs can be heard.

In a recorded conversation with the girl, the foster mother tells her: ‘Look at me. Next time you talk to me, this is about your butt.”

In another shot, during an argument over the girl’s clothing, the foster mother yells, “Go on, keep going, I’ll last longer than you, you won’t beat me at this.”

“Look at me, I’m stronger. I will outlive you. Keep going, I’m going higher, I’m going harder. Your choise.’

The foster mother cried and hugged the foster father (the couple pictured above) as a poignant noise played in the courtroom of her beating the 11-year-old girl with a wooden spoon and then telling her to shut up while the child sobbed and begged for staff

The recordings that are being played date from November 2020 and January 2021.

In one of the recordings, the foster mother says to the 11-year-old in a loud and shrill voice, “Listen to me. Do what I say, not what you want. Not your position. My position.

“You’ll do it MY WAY.”

On January 26, 2021, during an argument about the girl having too many clothes, with a radio playing in the background, SD said to the girl, “Be quiet, you won’t get to talk, you have absolutely nothing to say.” Zero.’

When the girl responds and says “I hate you” in a whimper, SD responds. ‘You do what we tell you to do. No means no.’

Agent takes the stand

The recordings play after the officer in charge of the investigation, Detective Senior Agent Sean Ogilvy, takes the stand.

Police have since planned to play recordings of up to four hours of evidence the foster mother pleaded guilty to two counts of punching and kicking the 11-year-old girl.

The 58-year-old has pleaded not guilty to two charges of stalking and harassment, while the foster father has pleaded not guilty to one charge of stalking and one charge of common assault.

The facts are that the foster mother kicked and hit the girl with a wooden spoon during confrontations with the then primary school girl over a mobile phone and after the child told the foster parents, “I hate you.”

The foster parents of missing toddler William Tyrrell (above) are accused of assaulting, stalking and harassing a 2021 primary school-aged schoolgirl in a series of incidents between January and August

The officer in charge of the case – Detective Senior Constable Sean Ogilvy – has taken his stand because disturbing recordings were played in court

After the two guilty verdicts, the foster mother failed in her lawyer’s attempt to keep the five-day trial secret and closed to the public and media.

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