A woman plans to divorce her husband after discovering that he slept with her maid of honor and best friend of twenty years at his money party.
Steph has been married for 18 months and was enjoying a girls’ night with her best friends when the evening took an unexpected turn.
While discussing the intimate ‘body count’ after a few drinks, Steph’s best friend Maddie accidentally revealed that her count was higher than before – even though she has been with partner Jack for three years.
Later that evening, Steph confronted Maddie about the accident and she broke down in tears, saying ‘it was a mistake’ before admitting she had slept with Steph’s husband Tom.
Heartbroken, Steph sought advice from the Australian podcast ‘Everyone has a secret’ and the hosts took counsel.
Married for 18 months, Steph discovers that her best friend of 20 years slept with her husband on his money night. Seeking advice from the ‘Everyone Has A Secret’ podcast, the heartbroken wife asked how to tell her husband she’s divorcing him
“Last week my best friend admitted to having sex with my husband at his bucks party,” the host said.
“As you can imagine, I’m devastated. My husband Tom and I have been married for eighteen months and I had absolutely no idea there were any problems in our relationship, let alone that he was capable of this level of cheating.’
Steph set the scene of a dinner with friends and knew that Maddie’s body count had not changed since she had been with her partner for a significant amount of time.
“When it was her turn [to reveal her body count]“She said 19 instead of 18,” the story continued.
“As soon as she said that, I corrected her. She drunkenly said, “No, mine is 19.” She clearly realized at that moment that she had made a mistake, because she pathetically tried to back out, but she was too drunk to do it convincingly.
‘At that moment I thought she had probably exposed herself because she had cheated on her partner Jack and that she was ashamed.
‘A while later I took her aside and told her I wouldn’t judge her if she cheated on Jack. She burst into tears and it made no sense. She kept saying it was a mistake and I was just so confused.”
At a dinner with friends, Steph’s best friend Maddie broke down in tears after a few drinks before admitting she had slept with her husband Tom (stock image)
Then Maddie finally told the truth about what she had done and Steph punched her in the face before leaving.
Maddie won’t explain why or how she ended up on the money show. Steph claimed that she remembers asking Maddie to hang out that night because she was “feeling anxious.”
‘She apparently lied by saying she was busy and had to work that evening. I would cry for more details but honestly I can’t bear to talk to her again,” Steph wrote.
“Maddie blew up my phone, begging for forgiveness and especially not to tell her partner Jack what she did.”
Since then, Steph hasn’t replied and doesn’t plan to, as she’s ended the friendship.
Now Steph plans to break her lease with Tom and move in temporarily with a friend.
Steph feels broken and confused and unsure how to deal with the devastating situation.
“I have not told Tom that I know this all happened while he was on an international work trip, I am sure I am not doing this over the phone,” she added.
‘I’m going to leave him. I’ve already called our real estate agent to break our lease.’
But she doesn’t want Tom to get away with what he did, and wonders how to tell her husband she is divorcing him.
Steph feels broken and confused and unsure how to deal with the devastating situation. “I didn’t tell Tom that I know this all happened while he was on an international work trip, I’m sure I don’t do this over the phone,” she said (stock image)
Podcast hosts Annabelle Lee and Louis Hanson were almost too shocked to say anything after hearing the intense story.
‘It’s disgusting and horrific… you absolutely need to leave the situation. This is so damned,” Louis said.
Annabelle said she can’t believe Maddie has “the nerve” to ask Steph not to tell her partner Jack what she did.
Both agreed that the friendship is over, and it is ‘you won’t come back from here’.
After sharing a video on TikTok, hundreds of others joined the conversation about what to do next.
‘I would tell her partner immediately! He deserves to know the truth,” one person commented.
“Never, ever forgive,” wrote another, with a third adding: “Invite his parents and make a slideshow of how great your life was and what he ruined.”
“Just leave, divorce papers on the counter with a PO box or attorney’s address,” someone else said.
Another suggested: ‘Get out of the house before he comes back so he can feel the pain. Make him pay and then consider whether it’s worth taking him back.”
One person noted that “silence is very powerful” and others wondered what the best friend was doing at the money party.
“Wait, if it was about his money, does that mean all his friends and groomsmen know too?” someone asked, and others wondered the same thing.
“It happened at his money party so all his family and friends who were there knew about it too and no one told her,” another surmised.