What is BAM University (Bad Ass Marketing)?

After the deadly coronavirus lockdown, people worldwide are moving towards online earning. Many opportunities come into being after the fatal years of lockdown. Due to the positive breakthrough of online earning, people like Joshua T. Osborne are approaching people by introducing digital marketing courses.

Those who seek online digital marketing and earning via digital real estate must be familiar with Joshua T. Osborne. One of the leading courses of Joshua is BAM. (Bad Ass Marketing)

The following article takes you through BAM University, the owner of BAM University, and it will make clear whether it legit or a scam is because, no doubt, due to crowded online marketing, scammers are also everywhere to hunt. 

What is BAM University?

The most popular these days are BAM university courses that introduce the skills and knowledge a person needs before joining the digital marketing world. The program is also called Bad Ass Marketing. The following program helps you to have a real estate business in the digital world. 

BAM is basically for the lead generation to make money. Whether you have a small local business, you can grow and profit from it. They teach you on and off-page SEO to keep the website at the top of the Google ranking while marketing the business. Online digital marketing isn’t easy, so you need to have good enough skills to run a business. 

Behind BAM University:

Joshua is behind the BAM University. Like many other courses, he also works at BAM University, and apparently, BAM University is one of the very famous courses. He is a legit and at rue marketer; he got here through all his hard work and consistency. He lives in Colorado and leading a business there. He has more than 100 websites working. 

All about BAM University:

What are the main skills you will learn when entering the master class of BAM? Well, following are the main skills you will get to know regarding online marketing are as follows;

  • You will learn about website design and developing your website platform where you run your business online.
  • Secondly, On-Page and off-page Search engine Optimization will be t
  • aught to rank your website.
  • It would help if you learned to create Google Ads and Facebook Ads online
  • to market your website.
  • Joshua experience, he teaches the Sales process from his own experience to make it as easy as possible for his students.

The Cost of Joining the BAM University:

The cost of BAM University isn’t clear on the website. However, online information is available, costing around 5000 dollars. Well, yes, the money is high, especially for younger people.


In conclusion, BAM University is a good source of learning different skills to run a successful marketing, but it isn’t an easy way out. You have to work hard and stay consistent to keep your website on the top ranking on Google; for that, you need SEO of all types. That is why the cost of BAM University is a bit higher. 

There is no way that the course is a scam or that Josh is a scammer; he is a true inspiration and provides a good source of learning skills to work online. 

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