What does Russia’s exit from CFE mean for global arms control?

The unraveling of the treaty on conventional forces in Europe is the latest sign of escalating tension between NATO and Russia.

Treaties are hard-won and often take years to negotiate.

They are designed to keep the peace and prevent rival countries from going to war with each other.

The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), signed in 1990 towards the end of the Cold War, is described as the cornerstone of European security, limiting the build-up of weapons from the Atlantic to the Ural Mountains.

Signatories included the United States, NATO members, the former Soviet Union and Eastern European allies. But in recent years, NATO’s eastward expansion and Russia’s security interests have rendered the treaty all but meaningless.

Can this Cold War treaty be saved?

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom


Peter Eltsov – Associate Professor of International Security Studies at the National Defense University

Pavel Felgenhauer – Defense and military analyst

Samuel Ramani – Associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute and author of Putin’s War on Ukraine

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