‘We’ve had it with them’: Jesse Watters launches into shocking rant about the ‘Muslim world’ – slamming Arab Americans who rip down posters of Israeli hostages and says ‘someone is gonna get punched in the face’

Fox News host and commentator Jesse Watters launched a tirade that stunned many on Wednesday, saying “we’ve had it with them” in his address to Arab Americans who have torn up posters of Israeli hostages.

There have been countless stories of people supporting Palestine tearing up the posters of people taken by Hamas after the shock terror attack that killed 1,400 people.

Watters stopped the show Wednesday as they discussed another example of taking down posters: “I want to say something about Arab Americans and about the Muslim world.”

He said that “we – and when I say we, I mean the West and Western technology” have “made them rich” in the Middle East by harvesting oil and financing their armies, even going so far as to say ‘we kill their terrorists’. .’

‘But we’ve had it. We’ve had it with them,” Watters declared, calling the Middle East “that stupid desert” that presidents from Biden on down have tried to escape from.

Fox News host and commentator Jesse Watters launched a tirade on Wednesday that stunned many, saying “we’ve had it with them” as he addressed Arab Americans who have torn up posters of Israeli hostages

“Just as we’re about to get out, these crazy Muslim fanatics come in, because we have this great balance of power that we’re arranging, and kill over a thousand of our allies and hold Jewish people hostage, hold Americans hostage ‘, he said. said.

“And so, if you’re an Arab American in this country and you’ve torn up posters of Jewish hostages, American hostages, no! No no no.’

He ended his rant by saying that “someone is going to get punched in the face.” When you tear up posters of the hostages like that.”

Watters was criticized on social media by many liberals, including those who supported Israel’s response to the attacks.

“How can Jesse Watters’ mother continue to support this monster?” Norman Ornstein asked, referring to Watters’ banter with his Democratic mother on his primetime Fox News show.

CNN’s Wajahat Ali, himself a Muslim American, wrote: “1.7 billion of us. Sorry. It’s hard to kill us all. Also why would you? We make your life wonderful.’

Some complained that Watters had been taken out of context, with one user on That’s why no one trusts you.’

‘The “…” does a lot of work there. They’re talking about people taking flyers from kidnapping victims,” ​​another added, responding to a headline that seemed to suggest Watters was addressing all Arab Americans.

There have been countless stories of people supporting Palestine tearing up the posters of people taken by Hamas after the shock terror attack that killed 1,400 people.

A George Mason student was caught on camera removing a poster calling for the release of a Thai man kidnapped by Hamas. She said the poster was “propaganda.”

The confrontations are taking place on campuses across the country, with the eight Ivy League universities in particular being wracked by unrest.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, anti-Semitic incidents in the US increased by almost 400 percent in the days following the October 7 attacks by Hamas.

At Yale, a student journalist who wrote an opinion piece about the October 7 attacks was shocked to discover that the editors had deleted parts of her text.

“Editor’s note, correction, October 25: This column has been edited to remove unsubstantiated claims that Hamas has raped women and beheaded men,” they wrote.

Body camera footage, filmed by the Hamas terrorists themselves and taken from their bodies, shows them beheading a man.

NBC News, which showed the footage, reported on October 27 that a group of Hamas terrorists are arguing over who gets to cut off the head of a Thai man who was murdered while working in Israel. One of the attackers then struggles to cut off his head with a hoe.

On Sunday evening, threats were posted online to shoot Jewish students in the 104 West building, where their kosher dining hall is located.

Other posts encouraged others to harm Jews, according to the school’s student newspaper, The Cornell Daily Sun.

Callen Zimmerman, a graduate student at Stony Brook University and previously listed as an adjunct professor at York College

New York State Police have increased security on Cornell’s campus following the threats.

On Monday, New York Governor Kathy Hochul called those who made threats against Jewish students at Cornell “terrorists,” warning that anyone who made threats “will not be given sanctuary.”

Cornell student Patrick Dai was brought into federal court in chains Wednesday morning after he admitted making horrific threats against Jews after FBI agents traced his IP address to campus and his hometown.

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