Victorian sovereign citizen Chloe Fisher calls officer ‘pig’ and says fine ‘doesn’t mean s*** to me’


A sovereign citizen arrested for failing to display license plates went on a foul-mouthed tirade calling the officer a “pig.”

Victorian woman Chloe Fisher was pulled over by police while driving through Gundagai in rural New South Wales.

She filmed her tense confrontation with police, where she accused an officer of working for a money-hungry ‘corporation’ and stated that she was not part of the state.

Ms. Fisher was then issued a ticket for failing to properly display her registered plates before she was sent on her way.

New footage has since surfaced of Ms Fisher moments later calling the officer a “pig” and saying the ticket “doesn’t mean shit to me.”

‘So first attempt at half sovereign because I’m still registered and still licensed. It didn’t go so well,’ he said.

A sovereign citizen arrested for failing to display license plates went on a foul-mouthed tirade calling the officer a “pig.”

“So I probably did like four hours on the road, before I got harassed by some pigs, harassed, stalked, fined, but that don’t mean shit to me.”

‘Tried to change my plates again, that didn’t work. You can’t talk to these people. You can’t talk to the police. They don’t give a shit.

Mrs. Fisher continued her foul-mouthed tirade, removing her glasses and rubbing her eyes in frustration.

‘I don’t care, they say under this bullshit NSW legislation. I’m traveling, I’m passing through. I’m not from New South Wales. They still don’t give a s**t,’ she said.

‘Still, I chose this path, I won’t give up so easily.’

Her tirade came moments after the officer pulled her over for failing to display the proper license plates on her vehicle.

Chloe got out of the car and explained that she hadn’t shown any license plates because she was in the process of ‘going sovereign’.

“I’m slowly removing myself from being under your corporation,” he said.

You are actually a corporation. In fact, you only collect money.

Chloe handed the officer an identification card that described her status as a “living female sovereign” with the date of birth category replaced with “first breath.”

Victorian woman Chloe Fisher was pulled over by police while driving through Gundagai in rural New South Wales.

‘First Breath Location’ was among the strange headings with ‘Earth’ written next to it.

The police officer remained composed in the video as the driver continued to ramble, explaining that their license plates were stored in the car.

“I’m just transitioning…getting all my certificates and whatever I need to show you have no authority over me,” Chloe said.

‘Because without the registration and without the license, I’m not really under your membership.’

He tried to explain the ‘law’ to the police officer.

“You can legitimately pull over anyone with a license plate, in any state, because you’re a registered member,” he insisted.

“But without that, technically you end up in court and it gets thrown out because they say you have a lost license, but if I don’t run with a license, then there’s nothing to lose.”

The officer asked Chloe to retrieve her car’s license plates before demanding her ID card back.

‘Can I have my identity?’ she said.

‘I’m not done with it yet,’ said the officer.

The officer asks Chloe to retrieve his car’s license plates before demanding his ID card back.

Can you get me the plates?

Chloe went back to her car and handed over the plates, explaining that she had taken them the day before.

“I’m not part of the state…I’m not owned by the state, so they can’t take me,” he said.

The police officer explained to Chloe that she had to show the vehicle’s license plates before she could drive it.

“Their opinions can be whatever they want to be, that’s fine,” he said.

“Unfortunately, the law is the law in this state.”

‘LAW?’ Chloe clarifies.

‘LAW? Yeah, I’m not going to get into an argument with you about what your beliefs are.

Footage of the encounter was shared on Twitter and social media users praised the police officer for remaining composed.

“Exemplary effort by this NSW Police Officer in Gundagai vs. an entitled, not-so-smart alec,” wrote former Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack.

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