University professor says schools should teach young men ‘how to pick up women’ because ‘making them feel safe is a life skill’

A professor at New York University has said that “mating dynamics” should be taught to young men in school because “approaching women and making them feel safe is a skill.”

Professor Scott Galloway, 58, spoke to Steven Bartlett for his Diary of A CEO podcast, in which he also advised young men to ‘moderate their consumption of porn’ so they will ‘take fewer risks with women outside the home’.

Speaking in the episode, titled ‘It’s An Emergency! The number of men not having sex has increased by 180%. He added that he was concerned about the rise of AI Sex bots say that men will start having relationships with machines, which will lead to loneliness and depression.

He said men must “go out into the physical world and express human interest” and “risk rejection.”

“We’re developing these digital analogues of life that create low-entry, low-risk relationships. You think that’s not a bad thing, but it is, because it leads to depression,” he explained.

Professor Scott Galloway said young men at school should view mating dynamics as ‘approaching women, and making them feel safe is a skill’

“The reason romantic comedies are two hours long and not twenty minutes is because life is about the triumph of taking risks and enduring rejection.”

He went on to say that he believes mating dynamics should be taught to young men in school because “approaching women and making them feel safe is a skill.”

“Pursuing someone and developing the skills, deciding to put on a clean shirt, maybe showering more often, maybe going to the gym occasionally, and maybe texting if you’re not sure how this person feels about you.”

“And figuring out how to act so you can build a relationship, that’s the victory, that’s the reward.

‘Fewer and fewer men are concerned with these risks and I think AI and its combination with sexbots will create an industry where men will have relationships with algorithms and dolls.

“Presumably, within five to six years, the sexbot industry will be larger than the domestic box office revenues of all theaters in the US.

‘So we’ll have men having relationships with machines and dolls, unlike other people, it creates a level of depression.

The clinical professor of marketing at New York University appeared earlier this week on the podcast The Diary Of A CEO, hosted by entrepreneur Steven Bartlett (photo).

“The end game is a relationship, a romantic partner is one of the keys to a happy life and most research shows that.”

Elsewhere, the professor offered tips for young people to build real connections amid online distractions.

He said: ‘When I coach young men I ask them to take out their phone and I look at their screen time and I think, what do you have as a young person, you have a lack of financial capital but you have a lot of human capital and that is very important: time.

“So we’re going to look at your time as money, how are you going to invest it now, look at your current portfolio.

“I ask them to get their phones out and between Twitter, TikTok and Porn, it’s so easy to find at least 10 or sometimes as much as 50 hours a week, and we’re going to reallocate it.”

He further said that reallocating time to “earn money” is the first step to build self-esteem, and then he said that you should do an activity that involves being in the presence of strangers to build people skills .

Scott also expressed concerns about the rise of AI sex bots, saying men will have relationships with machines, leading to loneliness and depression.

Scott went on to say that the next step was to “moderate porn consumption” as this gives guys the “mojo” to find a romantic partner.

He said, “One of the only reasons I graduated from UCLA was because one of my motivations for going to class was not because I wanted to learn, not only because I had to learn to graduate, but also because I had the prospect of possibly meeting a woman. .

‘If I had access to porn like young men do now, I’m not sure mojo would have been as great to get out of the house.

‘Telling young men not to get involved in porn is a bit ridiculous, but if you look at it analytically, would you be more likely to get out of the house and take risks, participate in the victory and experience what it is to be a man and a mammal? and made sure there was still a fire.”

‘I think spending less time online is important. Every aspect of your life is a sh**** version of the analog version that could happen.”

The professor went on to say that this affects women as they decide to date older men because they want more “economically and emotionally viable men.”

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