Unfrosted is Netflix’s #1 movie, but it’s not great. Try these 3 better parody comedies instead

ImmatureJerry Seinfeld and Melissa McCarthy’s new film about Pop Tarts, reached the top of Netflix’s global movie charts despite a decidedly undelightful 39% score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Seinfeld’s stated goal of making a brand-based film was not Barbie seems to have been achieved, and many reviews point to this Barbie was funny, well written and entertaining – while Immature is ‘messy and unfunny’ (InSession Film), ‘nothing particularly noteworthy’ (The Times of India), and a film that ‘often seems to focus on people who were dying at the time’ Seinfeld ended, or at least whose TVs broke and were never repaired” (MattPais.com).