Unabomber super fan is charged with threatening to blow up FBI office in LA after sending emails bragging that he was voted most likely to be next Ted Kackynski at graduation

A man was arrested and charged for sending threatening emails to the FBI in which he referenced the Unabomber and bragged about being voted the next Ted Kackynscki by his high school peers.

Mark William Anten, 52, is charged with felony assault for allegedly harassing the FBI with threats to blow up the LA Field Office and sending other threatening blackmail.

He was arrested Thursday at his Sun Valley home and is being held without the possibility of bail.

Anten began emailing the FBI in July with his violet threats — in which he frighteningly bragged about his similarities to the infamous Unabomber, Ted Kackynscki, and said he was writing his own manifesto.

Kackynscki committed suicide in prison earlier this year after serving eight consecutive life sentences at ADX Florence – a supermax prison in Florence, Colorado.

A man was arrested and charged for sending threatening emails to the FBI in which he referenced the Unabomber and bragged about being voted by his high school peers to be the next Ted Kackynscki (pictured)

Mark William Anten, 52, is charged with felony assault for allegedly harassing the FBI with threats to blow up the LA Field Office (pictured) and sending other threats of blackmail.

He was a mathematical prodigy who orchestrated a nationwide mail bombing campaign between 1978 and 1995, killing three people and wounding 23 others.

The Unabomber moved to a remote cabin and lived as a hermit while writing a 35,000-work manifesto.

Anten claimed he would be the “next Unabomber” – prompting FBI agents to intervene.

Two FBI agents interviewed Anten outside his hose on November 20 and he allegedly confessed to sending the threats.

He was told to stop communicating with government agencies, but despite the warnings, Anten's behavior worsened.

On December 5, he sent a series of violent messages to FBI agents threatening to “dismantle” the FBI LA Field Office in Westwood.

'I can commit mass murder. In fact, it could very well be explained by your actions,” he wrote in one of the emails.

In one of his emails, he even includes a screenshot of an Internet search asking “how to make a dirty bomb.”

Anten signed its emails “SuperMax” or “Death,” officials said.

Anten began emailing the FBI in July with his violin threats — in which he chillingly bragged about his similarities to the infamous Unabomber, Ted Kackynscki, and said he was writing his own manifesto.

The Unabomber moved to a remote cabin and lived as a hermit while writing a 35,000-work manifesto

Court documents revealed that Anten's wife Charlotte Anten had filed for a restraining order to protect her and her nine-year-old twins from him.

Ms. Anten requested a restraining order, a relocation order and a custody order, granting her full custody of their children.

Her evidence, submitted in 2017, stated that Anten had abused drugs over the past decade, including cocaine, which she found in his suit pocket and their son's backpack.

Anten also eschewed prescription amphetamines such as Xanax, Vicodin, sleeping pills and marijuana.

According to his wife, Anten began exhibiting agitated and paranoid behavior and was not sleeping at night. His behavior became more 'erratic' and Ms Anten believed his driving skills had deteriorated.

Mrs. Anten said her husband “became too dark in his interactions with their young children” and even hit their son Williams so hard on his bare shoulder that he left a “deep red handprint,” according to documents filed with the court.

Bizarrely, he told his sons that “the reason someone has a closed casket is because they're in the mafia and they got shot in the face and their body was in pieces so you wouldn't want to look at them.”

Mrs. Anten denied that her husband ever physically abused her, but said it was emotionally and psychologically abusive.

Anten claimed he would be the “next Unabomber” – prompting FBI agents to intervene

Court documents show Anten's wife Charlotte Anten filed for a restraining order to protect her and her nine-year-old twins from him

She testified that Anten began persistently chasing her in the middle of the night with “rants,” saying he would shine his flashlight in her face and threaten her with calling the police and having their sons taken away from her.

Anten allegedly harassed her with phone calls at work, where she sat in a cubicle and was not allowed to take calls, which he said was because he wanted to embarrass her.

Ms. Anten eventually filed a restraining order because she became terrified that he would follow through on his threats, given his erratic behavior.

In response to his wife's claims, Anten defended his drug use, saying he had a valid medical marijuana card for back pain and anxiety, and claiming he had prescriptions for the amphetamines he was taking.

He denied ever physically abusing his children and said he used his flashlight at night because the house was “dark.”

Anten claimed he would wake his wife up in the middle of the night to discuss “important matters.”

Despite Anten's defense, the court granted Mrs. Anten a two-year restraining order to protect her and their two children, but allowed him to have regular supervised visits with the children.

Following his arrest on Thursday, Anten is charged with making threats via interstate communications, a crime that could land him in prison for up to five years.

His court date is set for January 11, 2024, in the United States District Court in downtown Los Angeles.

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