TV personality Simon Cowell admits that he started drinking and smoking at the age of eight!


Simon Cowell admits he started drinking and smoking when he was just EIGHT and was arrested after trying to hijack a bus with a pea gun







Simon Cowell has admitted to having had his first drink and smoked his first cigarette when he was just eight years old when he revealed he was a ‘nightmare’ child.

The 62-year-old music mogul told how he got bored of school and would rebel against his parents, even leading to his arrest.

Simon revealed that the arrest came after he aimed a pea-shooting gun at a terrified bus driver in an attempt to hijack the bus.

Wild kid: Simon Cowell has admitted he drank his first drink and smoked his first cigarette when he was just eight years old when he revealed he was a ‘nightmare’ kid

Speak with the Sun Simon shared how bad he was when he was the age of his current son Eric, who is now eight.

“I was so bad when I was Eric’s age. I was a nightmare.’

‘I drank and smoked at eight o’clock, and I once nearly burned the house down’

He also claimed, “I was trying to prove to my brother that Santa wasn’t real, so I found the costume and set the beard on fire.”

Rebel: During his early years, Simon claimed that he was once a wild child and often rebelled easily

He continued the story with how he set his house on fire, claiming that he dropped the beard on the couch, and then the whole room went up in flames.

He also admitted that he stole his father’s car at the age of ten when he was a kid and managed to crash it.

But even though Simon crashed his father’s car, he claimed his father was always more of a “softer” parent.

He went on to say that his mother was more of the disciplinary kind, while his father was the milder of the two.

Father and son: Speaking to The Sun, Simon shared how bad he was when he was the age of his current son Eric, who is now eight. “I was so bad when I was Eric’s age. I was a nightmare.’ ‘I drank and smoked at eight o’clock, and I once nearly burned the house down’

He also admitted that he cannot remember his father ever raising his voice against him, although he rebelled a lot as a child.

Simon recently admitted that since becoming a father the shoe is now on the other side, confessing to having an overprotective nature towards his son Eric, claiming it’s “borderline ridiculous.”

He also added that his son may never leave and that he will “stay with him forever.”

Protective: Simon recently admitted that since becoming a father the shoe is now on the other side, confessing to having an overprotective nature towards his son Eric, claiming it’s “borderline ridiculous.”

He claims that his protection over his son only happens because of his own worries, remembering what he was like when he was his son’s age.

And it’s not just Simon’s troubled past that came as a shock, he also admitted that he was incredibly shy as a child.

He said, “The funny thing is, for all the trouble I caused, I was actually incredibly shy as a kid. I was okay as long as I was in my own house or with my friends.’

Caring Dad: He claims his protection over his son only happens because of his own worries while remembering what he was like when he was his son’s age

“When I went into the music industry, I was invited to the Brit Awards and my stomach was in knots beforehand, and then it was like torture. Especially if you didn’t win!’

‘But strangely enough, doing my job helps me socially. The ice was broken, as people knew me’

And while he was once a wildly shy kid, at the end of the interview, Simon admitted for the last time that he’s finally adjusted and is now “happier than ever” with his life.

Shy Child: And it’s not just Simon’s troubled past that came as a shock, he also admitted that he was incredibly shy as a child and that when his time came to get into the music industry, his stomach would knot

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