Trump supporter clashes with protesters before George Santos hugs her

Clashes outside the Manhattan courthouse where Trump will face charges as NYC awaits a historic showdown


Instead, a handful of smaller groups and individuals appeared to show their support. Among them was Ricardo “Ricky Superstar” Varano, a 62-year-old, 7/11 cashier from the Bronx. He told, “If he goes down, I go down. I have to do what I have to do. I’m here to make people feel like this is real, I’m with Donald Trump all the time. This charge is bogus. It’s a hoax. They have to find something because they see these rallies and they see he’s building, so they want to stop him. How can you stop people encouraging people and trying to make the world a better place. We’ve had no problems for four years under him as president. I’m going to the courthouse!’ Read the full story: =msnggallery

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