Trump proudly brags about Barron and jokes about his enormous height


Donald Trump praised his 18-year-old son Barron as a “beautiful boy” during an interview with YouTuber Logan Paul. “He’s a big boy – 6 feet tall,” Trump claimed of his youngest son during the wide-ranging meeting posted online.

“And I couldn’t get him to play basketball. He plays football,” Trump said. ‘He’s also a good athlete. Good student, good athlete.” “Good looking guy, but he’s tall, there’s no doubt about that,” Trump continued about his child.

The ex-president joked that he didn’t want to be photographed next to his son because of his height. “Maybe we should make him a fighter,” Trump said before Paul, a professional wrestler, interrupted: “No, no.”

The youngest Trump is attracting attention not only because of his towering height, but also because of what he plans to do with his future. The 18-year-old graduated from high school last month. His parents have not yet revealed where or if he plans to attend college in the fall.

Melania Trump has been extremely protective of her youngest son. Unlike his older siblings, Barron did not go to court in New York for his father’s criminal case. He was recently seen leaving Trump Tower with his mother after Trump was convicted.

Both of his parents were on hand to cheer him on for his high school graduation on May 17 from the exclusive Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach, Florida. Barron Trump has never given an interview and is not on social media. But in a recent interview on Fox & Friends, his father gave an update on his youngest son’s future, revealing that his college plans could be “different.”

“He applies to colleges and gets everywhere,” Trump claimed. “You know, he’s very sought after from the standpoint that he’s a very smart guy. He is a very tall man. But he is – and he is a – he is a great kid.” The former president described his son as “pretty cool,” but raised questions about whether Barron would be on a campus following the protests taking place nationwide.

“You know, it’s very interesting though, colleges, you know, six months ago you were looking at a college and you wanted a certain college, and then you see all these colleges are rioting,” Trump said. Meanwhile, there was speculation that Barron wanted to follow his father into politics after the 18-year-old was named a delegate to the Republican National Convention.

But his time as delegate was short-lived. Former First Lady Melania Trump revealed shortly afterward that he could not participate in the process to nominate his father at the convention due to “prior commitments.”

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