Trump lawyer guarantees ex-president doesn’t have copies of classified documents

Trump’s attorney guarantees there are no copies of classified documents recovered from Mar-a-Lago still in the former president’s possession

  • James Trusty, assured his client has no copies of the classified materials removed from Mar-a-Lago over the summer
  • Also rejected reports that Trump was responsible for packing the materials
  • Comes as investigations against the former president heat up after his recent indictment in the Stormy Daniels case

Donald Trump’s attorney who represented him in the case involving classified documents found at his Mar-a-Lago estate made sure the ex-president had no copies of these materials.

James Trusty also defended his client against reports alleging that Trump helped unpack these boxes of the sensitive materials.

There has been heightened scrutiny of chief executives’ handling of presidential materials after documents with secret markings were found in the homes of Trump, his former vice president Mike Pence and President Joe Biden.

Trump is also facing increased criticism from opponents as he becomes the first president in US history to be indicted after a grand jury indicted him late last month in the Stormy Daniels hush money case.

James Trusty, Donald Trump’s attorney in the classified documents case, assured his client has no copies of the classified materials removed from Mar-a-Lago over the summer

The former president insists there was no question of him taking any documents to his Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Florida.

‘Can you guarantee that there are no copies of these classified documents – still in Mar a Lago? Are you sure they’re now – it’s not classified documents anymore in Mar-A-Lago?” NBC Meet the Press host Chuck Todd questioned Trump’s attorney during an interview Sunday morning.

“Yes, of course,” Trusty brushed off.

“I can tell you that the leak about what happened to this additional document or several documents found in the USB stick is absurd,” he added. “We actually have a federal prosecutor who was in court and completely mischaracterized that.”

It’s the same mischaracterization the media has used to suggest that President Trump is just sitting on a mountain of documents. It’s not true at all. It was a completely innocent situation.’

He also dismissed claims from other reports that Trump was somehow directly involved in packing and unpacking boxes of these documents recovered during the FBI’s raid on his Florida estate over the summer.

“Are you sure the former president interfered in unpacking and moving the boxes?” Todd posed.

“I mean, can you imagine?” Trusty replied. “I mean, does anyone in their right mind really think Donald Trump came to Mar-a-Lago in January when he was still president, I think, and said, ‘Hey, these are the boxes I packed. Let’s be careful with that. That goes in the dining room. That goes in the closet’?’

The FBI conducted an unprecedented raid on Trump’s Florida estate to recover classified documents he had taken after his presidential term. In the following months, sensitive documents were also found at the homes of President Joe Biden and former Vice President Mike Pence

Trusty said that while Trump said during an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity that he “had a right” to do so, he didn’t really engage in that activity.

“He didn’t take the boxes,” Trusty insisted. ‘Come on. I mean, it’s absurd to think that.’

After a brief back-and-forth with Todd, Trusty said Trump was “making the point that it’s not illegal for a president to possess such documents.”

“The bottom line — I’ll make it clear to you since you seem to be struggling with it — President Trump didn’t sit there with tape and sharp points and say, ‘Hey, let’s sit down Indian-style and pack these boxes and send them to Mar-a-Lago.”

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