Trump insists he ‘gets along very well’ with Speaker Johnson, while his ‘very good friend’ Marjorie Taylor Greene tries to oust him over disagreements over Ukraine aid and controversial ‘spy tool’ FISA

Donald Trump said he stands behind Mike Johnson and that he has done a “very good job” as the pair appeared at a joint news conference amid the threat of a new motion to impeach the speaker.

Johnson’s future is in a precarious position after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a close Trump ally, launched a motion to fire him last month.

She has not raised the issue, leaving the threat hanging over Johnson’s head.

β€œHe’s doing very well under difficult circumstances,” the former president said at Mar-a-Lago when asked whether he supports top ally MTG’s efforts to boot Johnson.

β€œHe’s doing about as well as you are. And I’m sure Marjorie understands that and that she is a very good friend of mine. And I know she has a lot of respect for the speaker,” Trump claimed.

Donald Trump said he stands behind Mike Johnson and that he has done a “very good job” as the pair appeared at a joint news conference amid the threat of a new motion to impeach the speaker.

Trump also said he was “looking at” Johnson’s expected Ukraine proposal, putting him at odds with Greene and other hardliners in the House of Representatives who are outright opposed to more aid in the fight against Russia.

β€œWe are looking at it now and talking about it,” he told reporters.

β€œWe are thinking of doing it in the form of a loan rather than just a gift; we continue to give out billions and billions of dollars in gifts.”

Johnson’s appearance alongside Trump comes after he helped thwart the speaker’s efforts earlier this week to push through the renewal of a spying tool.

The bill was finally passed on Friday morning. Johnson struck a deal with Trump and his allies to extend it for only two years instead of five, so they could implement more reforms under a potential Trump administration.

‘KILL FISA, IT WAS USED ILLEGALLY AGAINST ME AND MANY OTHERS. THEY SPYED ON MY CAMPAIGN!!! DJT,” Trump wrote on Truth Social ahead of a failed rule vote to reauthorize Section 702 of FISA earlier this week.

Another part of the law that cannot be reauthorized β€” Title 1 β€” was used in 2016 to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page when he was suspected of communicating with the Russians. Trump reauthorized FISA in 2018.

Trump offered a more subdued opposition to the surveillance tool at Friday’s news conference.

‘I’m not a big fan of FISA. But I told everyone I said, do what you want. They’ve put a lot of checks and balances in place and I think it’s only two years away now so it should happen early in my term.”

Section 702 specifically allows the U.S. government to surveil aliens with suspected terrorist ties who are not on U.S. soil, even if the party on the other end of such communications is a U.S. citizen in America.

Speaker Mike Johnson and Representative Chip Roy introduce the new bill in Congress, the SAVE Act

Speaker Mike Johnson and Representative Chip Roy introduce the new bill in Congress, the SAVE Act

Johnson rattled hardliners on Friday by becoming the latest vote to kill an amendment that would have required intelligence officials to get a warrant to look into communications involving anyone on US soil.

That way, if Trump wins the election, Congress can reform FISA more thoroughly under his presidency.

The press is focused on election legislation to deter illegal immigrants from voting. It’s already against the law for them to vote.

Speaker Mike Johnson and Representative Chip Roy introduce the new bill in Congress, the SAVE Act.

Roy, R-Texas, was notably not at Mar-a-Lago for the news conference. He and Trump are not friendly; Roy endorsed Ron DeSantis for president over him.

The bill would aim to close all loopholes that allow people to register to vote without proof of U.S. citizenship or photo identification, require all fifty states to remove all unlawful immigrants from their voter rolls, and impose penalties on to impose up to five years in prison for election officials. which register non-citizens to vote and require proof of citizenship for those voting abroad.

β€œIt seems like common sense is something we all agree on,” Johnson said at the news conference.

‘There are Democrats who don’t want that. We believe this is one of their designs. One of the reasons for this open border that everyone across the country is asking about is why would they allow the chaos and violence? Because they want to turn these people into voters.’

Penalties for noncitizen immigrants caught voting include deportation or imprisonment, and they often avoid disclosing personal information anyway for fear of being caught by immigration authorities.

However, it is possible to vote illegally as an undocumented immigrant.

Most ballots require identification to register to vote, such as a driver’s license. Not all of these IDs require citizenship.

In 2016, during Trump’s first campaign, when he first began making claims about undocumented immigrant voting, the liberal Brennan Center for Justice examined 23.5 million votes in 42 jurisdictions for evidence of illegal immigrant voting and found 30 such migrant voices.