Tradie who travelled to Pakistan with his wife and allegedly abandoned her there before returning to Australia alone is charged with human trafficking

A tradesman has appeared in court charged with exit trafficking after he allegedly abandoned his wife during a trip abroad and returned to Australia alone.

Ali Rahimi, 29, was arrested by Australian Federal Police officers on Wednesday morning, nine months after officers first raided his home in Auburn in Sydney’s west, reportedly seizing passports, phones and travel documents.

The tiler was charged with smuggling people out of Australia by fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 12 years in prison.

According to police, Rahmi’s wife first contacted AFP in November last year, claiming she had left her in Pakistan without any documentation.

It is alleged that Rahim misled his wife by telling her that they would be travelling abroad with their two children to visit family.

The woman is said to have agreed to the trip before the family left for Afghanistan on holiday in July 2023.

They then traveled to Pakistan, where Rahimi reportedly confiscated his wife’s tickets, passports and other travel documents.

Ali Rahimi, 29, (pictured) was charged with one count of exit trafficking after allegedly abandoning his wife in Pakistan after tricking her into going on a trip abroad

Rahimi (left in the photo) was arrested by AFP officers on Wednesday morning

According to police, Rahimi allegedly told his wife he would return to Afghanistan to visit friends after the family arrived in Pakistan.

The woman is said to have discovered in September that Rahimi had flown back to Australia alone.

The AFP worked with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to assist the woman and her children in returning safely to Australia.

During Rahimi’s bail hearing at Burwood District Court on Wednesday, his lawyer Lisa Dao disputed allegations that her client had taken his wife’s travel documents.

Ms Dao said Rahimi’s wife had access to the documents during the trip, Daily Telegraph defeated.

The tiler (pictured leaving the courthouse) faces a prison sentence of up to 12 years

The court heard that Rahimi plans to fight the charges as Ms Dao disputes the prosecution’s concerns that her client poses a flight risk.

Ms Dao told the court that Rahimi only went abroad for a holiday in July, after the trip was approved by federal agents.

She added that he runs a tiling business and has family living in Sydney.

Police opposed Rahimi’s request for bail, claiming the case against him was strong.

However, Rahimi was released on bail on condition that he not contact his wife or her family.

He must also report to the police three times a week and surrender his passport as part of his bail conditions.

He will appear in court again at a later date

Ali Rahimi leaves Burwood court on Wednesday after being granted bail

This is evident from a general statement by detective and acting inspector Emmanuel Tsardoulias of AFP on exit trafficking. He describes it as a serious criminal offence that often goes unreported.

“Exit trafficking can involve someone using coercion, deception or threats to organise or facilitate another person to leave Australia,” Detective Inspector Tsardoulias said.

‘No one has the right to compel or deceive any person to leave Australia, or to prevent any person from returning against his will.

“We want victims to know that the AFP is here to help them and that their safety and well-being are our primary concern when we investigate these cases. Every case is treated with compassion and great care, and the needs of the victim always come first.”

If you suspect you or another person is a victim of modern slavery or human trafficking, or is at risk of becoming a victim of modern slavery or human trafficking, call the AFP on 131 237.

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