Tony Bobulinski hits back at Democrats for ‘offensive behavior and disingenuous mischaracterizations’ after Capitol Hill interview about former business partner Hunter Biden

Tony Bobulinski’s lawyers attacked Democrats for “offensive conduct and disingenuous mischaracterizations” after Hunter Biden’s former business partner testified on Capitol Hill on Tuesday.

Bobulinski told investigators that Joe Biden was the “enabler” and “brand” of his family’s lucrative foreign business deals.

According to top Biden impeachment investigator James Comer, Democrats yelled at Bobulinski during the interview, shut him down, belittled him and threatened him.

“The assassination of Mr. Bobulinski’s character and the grotesque mischaracterization of his words will only serve to highlight the gaslighting and vilification Mr. Bobulinski has suffered since he reluctantly came forward nearly four years ago to expose the facts of to share his business experience with the Biden with the public. family,” attorney Stefan Passantino wrote in a letter to top Oversight Democrat Jamie Raskin on Wednesday.

In 2017, Bobulinski claimed that the “big man” was Joe Biden and that he got a 10 percent cut on a deal with a Chinese company that Hunter Biden was working with.

Republicans will question Hunter Biden’s business partner who has since turned against him, Tony Bobulinski, on Tuesday

“The assassination of Mr. Bobulinski’s character and the grotesque mischaracterization of his words will only serve to highlight the gaslighting and vilification Mr. Bobulinski has suffered since he reluctantly came forward nearly four years ago to expose the facts of to share his business experience with the Biden with the public. family,” attorney Stefan Passantino wrote in a letter to top Oversight Democrat Jamie Raskin on Wednesday

“I want to be crystal clear: from my direct personal experience and what I have subsequently learned, it is clear to me that Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ sold by the Biden family,” Bobulinski said in the opening statement obtained by

He continued to say that Joe was “more than a participant” in the family business, but rather “a facilitator, despite being buffered by a complex scheme to keep deniability plausible.”

“The Biden family business was Joe Biden, period,” he said. In addition, he described how the Chinese energy company CEFC “successfully tried to infiltrate and compromise” the Obama and Biden White House.

Democrats are pushing back on Bobulinski’s claims, saying he is just another Republican witness with allegations that have been “refuted.”

“This looks like a scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, here with Mr. Bobulinski. The first and most important point is simply that he provides absolutely no testimony indicating any criminal activity by President Biden,” said top House Democrat Jamie Raskin, “or evidence that President Biden was involved in Hunter Biden’s affairs.”

Bobulinski’s attorney said that wasn’t true.

‘It is categorically false to claim that Mr. Bobulinski failed to “provide any evidence that President Biden was involved in his family’s business activities” or that he failed to testify that “Joe Biden was not part of ( the Biden family) business.” structure,’” the attorney wrote.

“Bobulinski’s testimony and motivations for coming forward will soon be on display for all to see, and false, inaccurate characterizations will no longer have a place in this debate.”

Joe Biden, who was seen with his son Hunter in June, has always maintained he was not involved in Hunter’s business dealings

Rep. Dan Goldman, DN.Y., added: ‘(Bobulinski) said he once had two conversations with President Biden, and neither had anything to do (with), or any relationship (with), or any discussion about all his business dealings.”

The transcript of the interview will be released in the coming days.

The White House claims that Joe Biden was never involved in any capacity with his family businesses.

Bobulinski previously claimed the FBI ignored evidence about the Biden family’s alleged crimes and “altered history” by suppressing Hunter Biden’s laptop story before the 2020 election.

Bobulinski, a Navy veteran, teamed up with Hunter Biden and his uncle Jim — Joe’s brother — in 2017 to create the SinoHawk Holdings joint venture with CEFC.

In 2020, Bobulinski published a May 2017 email detailing a proposed stock split for a Chinese investment.

The cryptic message said 20 percent of the profits would be distributed, with 10 percent going to “Jim” — likely Hunter’s uncle Jim Biden, and “10 owned by H for the big guy.”

He also told impeachment investigators that “it is also no coincidence” that CEFC used the Biden family’s “weakest link” Hunter to funnel tens of millions of dollars.

Additionally, he says he was “never” contacted by Biden government agencies, including the Justice Department, FBI, IRS or any law enforcement agencies, about his allegations.

In a stunning 2022 interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Bobulinski brought up a voicemail that he said proves Joe was well aware of Hunter’s deal with CEFC.

Joe Biden called Hunter in December 2018 and said he wanted to talk to him after reading a New York Times story about Hunter’s dealings with Chinese oil giant CEFC.

Files on Hunter’s abandoned laptop previously revealed by show he struck a deal with the Chinese company worth millions of dollars.

The Times’ 2018 story pointed out that CEFC chairman Ye Jianming had been arrested in China and his lieutenant Patrick Ho had been convicted of bribery.

After seeing the story online, Joe Hunter called and left a voicemail saying he was “free.”

‘I liked the article published online, which will appear in the Times tomorrow. I think you’re clear,” Joe said in the voicemail.

The message runs counter to the president’s repeated denials that Joe ever discussed or was involved in Hunter’s foreign business dealings.

Hunter’s attorney Abbe Lowell has claimed that Bobulinski lied to the FBI.

Late last year, Hunter asked U.S. Attorney for Washington, D.C. Matthew Greaves to investigate his former associate, saying Bobulinski had deliberately mischaracterized his ties to the Biden family.

He is accused of acting to “defame the character and reputation of (Hunter) Biden and his family, and to enhance his own self-esteem.”

Bobulinski, a Navy veteran, teamed up with Hunter Biden and his uncle Jim — Joe’s brother — in 2017 to create the SinoHawk Holdings joint venture with CEFC

Hunter Biden’s business partner who has since turned on him, Tony Bobulinski, says Joe Biden was the ‘enabler’ of his family’s lucrative foreign business deals

IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who have testified that the federal investigation into Hunter was tainted by political influence, also claimed that Joe Biden was “the big guy.”

Next week, Republicans will hear from President Joe Biden’s brother James on February 21 and Hunter himself on February 28.

Republicans subpoenaed the pair for testimony and threatened them with contempt charges before they agreed to come in for closed-door testimony.

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