Tiffany Trump blackmail bombshell rocks Trump hush money case

In a trial that saw two Trump children and a daughter-in-law join Donald Trump in a Manhattan courtroom, there was an unexpected reference to Tiffany Trump on Monday and the stunning revelation of an apparent blackmail attempt.

It concerns an attempted “extortion” against the president’s daughter just weeks before Election Day 2016.

At the time, Tiffany Trump was a relatively quiet member of the Trump family. She further appeared at the 2016 Republican convention, but did not have the same public profile as half-brothers Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and half-sister Ivanka Trump.

Ivanka Trump would later join her father in the White House, and Don Jr. and Eric helped run the Trump Organization while Trump was president.

Blanche pressed witness Michael Cohen during cross-examination on Monday about the apparent ‘extortion attempt’ involving the president’s daughter. The reason: to establish that Cohen had multiple reasons for speaking with Donald Trump during a critical period, aside from the Stormy Daniels case he was testifying about.

Tiffany Trump was the victim of an apparent extortion attempt in 2016, Michael Cohen testified Monday. It came as Cohen testified that he had spoken to Donald Trump about Stormy Daniels’ hush-hush payments. Defense attorneys say the call could have addressed other pressing matters

“You agree with me, right, that you went through a lot in those first two weeks of October, both in your personal life and with President Trump?” Blanche asked. Cohen agreed.

“Do you remember her communicating with you on October 25 about concerns that someone was trying to blackmail her?” Blanche asked. “Yes sir,” Cohen replied.

He dealt with it immediately and spoke to David Pecker, Tiffany Trump and others, he testified.

This comes the day after he testified that he spoke to Trump about the porn star payout over the phone of Keith Schiller, Trump’s longtime security chief. But Blanche had previously pointed out that the date of the call coincided with prank calls Cohen received from a 14-year-old, based on Cohen’s text messages with Schiller.

Blanche also called it a “possible extortion attempt” involving photos.

Cohen testified in court Monday about the apparent extortion attempt

Cohen testified in court Monday about the apparent extortion attempt

Donald Trump Jr.  and Eric Trump attended the trial, while Tiffany, r., did not

Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump attended the trial, while Tiffany, r., did not

Blanche then pointed out that Trump was preparing for an opening ceremony of his new hotel in DC on October 26. That gave him several topics he could have discussed with Trump during a phone call in which Blanche accused Cohen last week of “lying” about what emerged.

“So was it important to you to resolve the Tiffany Trump situation?” Blanche asked him.

“It was important that I took care of things, but it wasn’t important to me personally,” he replied.

“Wouldn’t that be something you informed her father about when you spoke the next morning?” Blanche asked.

“No sir,” was Cohen’s response.

It was the only mention of Tiffany Trump in the month-long trial. Eric Trump and Don Jr. each appeared in Manhattan criminal court with their father, as did Eric’s wife Lara, co-chair of the Republican National Committee.

Tiffany Trump has kept a low profile since graduating from Georgetown University Law School in 2020.

She met her current husband Michael Boulos in 2018 at Lindsey Lohan’s beach club in Greece. He proposed to her in the White House Rose Garden in 2021, and they married at Mar-a-Lago the following year.

Tiffany’s X-profile highlights her academic achievements, noting her law degree from Georgetown. It says she was president of Cyberlaw Society, a legal club, and lists a law professor, as well as her bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania, which her father also attended.

It was not immediately clear what legal work she has done since graduating law school.

Her Instagram page features photos from her glamorous wedding and numerous images of her father and siblings. There are also several images from inside the White House.