Tash Peterson targeted by protestor who poured ‘bodily fluids’ of animals over her car – just days after another group announced it would stage a barbecue outside her house

Controversial vegan activist Tash Peterson has been targeted by a person who poured animal ‘bodily fluids’ on her car – just days after news of a planned protest by meat eaters outside her home was announced.

The unnamed person poured the liquid on Ms Peterson’s car and entered the vehicle’s air conditioning during the incident on her property in Bicton, south-west Perth on Thursday.

The infamous activist, who is known for storming fast food chains and restaurants with fake blood to denounce meat eaters, posted about the incident on Instagram.

“Some faceless bastard decided to pour the bodily fluids of murdered animals into my car and it went through the air conditioning,” she wrote.

“It smelled so bad I thought a dead fish had been put in my car.”

Mrs. Peterson condemned the person for his vile act.

Controversial vegan activist Tash Peterson (pictured) has slammed a person who poured ‘body fluids’ on her car and took to Instagram (pictured) to blast the person’s actions

“The nameless and faceless coward also decided to send some threats, but he can’t even confront me,” she said.

Ms Peterson included screenshots on her Instagram stories of the vile messages she received from the person believed to have poured the liquid on her car.

“You fuck my friends, I’ll fuck you,” the person wrote.

‘Give the AC time. The tortured animals must marinate.’

Ms Peterson told Daily Mail Australia she plans to press charges against the person following the incident.

“I haven’t gone to the police yet because they often react negatively when I ask to report threats, assaults and situations like this,” she said.

‘I’m considering going to the police as the person has insinuated that he will continue to come to my house and “fuck me” after speaking to him today.’

Ms Peterson said she was “disgusted” by the person’s actions and said the incident would not stop her activism in “standing up for non-human animals”.

“This is not the first time people have paid for animal abuse and murder, despite my activism, which sheds light on the animal holocaust and slavery industry,” she said.

“I simply take their attempted threats as a sign that I am actually threatening them, in the sense that I pay so much attention to animal rights.”

Ms Peterson (pictured) said she is considering making a complaint to police about the incident

Ms Peterson (pictured) is known for entering fast food chains and restaurants with fake blood to denounce meat eaters

The incident comes after a protest was announced by a group that plans to gather outside Ms. Peterson’s home to oppose her disruptive public demonstrations.

The protest is expected to attract more than 500 people on May 24 and hundreds will attend the cooking of a meat-packed barbecue, with the event organized by Sydney resident Ben D’Arcy.

Daily Mail does not suggest Mr D’Arcy poured the liquid on Ms Peterson’s car or that he sent her the threatening messages.

Ms. Peterson said the protest does not worry her, but said she would be angry if protesters cooked animal body parts.

She said she was glad her protests had caused enough of a stir to warrant retaliation and thanked those who planned to attend for drawing attention to veganism.

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