South Carolina Juneteenth event banner depicting a white couple gets slammed

“How did you not know how problematic that is?” The banner from South Carolina’s Juneteenth event featuring a white couple is knocked down — before organizers hastily remove it

  • Greenville locals are now calling for a boycott after they used a white couple to advertise their Juneteenth ‘mega fest’
  • The black business leaders who make up Juneteenth GVL’s board initially defended the banner, saying they were formulated to reflect diversity

A banner advertising a Juneteenth celebration in South Carolina has been slammed because it depicted a white couple.

The holiday, which marked the emancipation of black slaves, was heralded on the streets of Greenville with more than 50 banners — but one in particular sparked outrage within the community.

Locals are now calling for a boycott after using a white couple to promote their Juneteenth “megafest.”

Greenville activist Bruce Wilson of Fighting Injustice Together said of the ads hanging from lampposts, “I was shocked. I was sad, I was angry.

“We have to remember what Juneteenth is about. It’s about freedom. It’s about the freedom of slaves.

The holiday, which marked the emancipation of black slaves, was heralded on the streets of Greenville with more than 50 banners — but one in particular sparked outrage within the community

Greenville activist Bruce Wilson said white people should not be the face of the event

“I’m the first to say white America can celebrate Juneteenth, I just don’t think white America should be the face of Juneteenth.

“And I think that’s where the disconnect is. First, I ask that this event be boycotted if they do not feel the need to remove this banner.

“Second, I ask everyone to call the town clerk and express your concerns about this particular banner.”

Other banners depicted different ethnicities, including black and Hispanic couples.

The black business leaders who made up Juneteenth GVL’s board initially defended the banner, saying they were formulated to reflect diversity.

Co-founder Pete Lee told WYFF, “The graphics on the flag were very intentional

“We have been knocking on the door for so long to get involved. Now that we’re at the table, the last thing we want to do is exclude, which is what we’ve been doing for years.’

Rueben Hays, the founder and CEO, previously said that exclusively blackening the celebration “is not in the spirit of unity.”

But following the outcry, the organization said they would take down the flags “as soon as possible.”

In a statement, Juneteenth GVL wrote, “We would like to apologize to the community for the presence of non-black faces on two flags representing Juneteenth.

“We recognize that this mistake was made and will quickly correct the mistake.

“This mistake was an attempt to unify all of Greenville and therefore a slight mistake by one person that prevented us from fully embracing the rich potential and celebrating the depth of black culture through the message and meaning of Juneteenth, and providing for that we apologise. for you the whole community.

“The flags in question will be removed as soon as possible.”

Juneteenth Mega Fest in the South Carolina city is a week-long event featuring concerts and other family-friendly events.

A local person said on social media: ‘This was deliberate disrespect and he must be held accountable. How stupid do you think we are.’

Another said, “This was disrespectful and it shows no sense of love for black people or our history.

“Why put the descendants of the people who chained us on a flag that celebrates our freedom?

“Unify with yourself first before embracing others.”

While a third added, “How did you not know how problematic that is?”

Juneteenth – or June 19 – became a federal holiday in June 2021.

It marks the moment when Union troops began enforcing the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 in Galveston, Texas.

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