Solo travelers reveal the most DANGEROUS cities to visit alone where muggings, shootings and prostitution are commonplace – but their picks might surprise you

As a warning to others, a string of solo travelers have spoken out about the most dangerous cities they have visited, where robberies, shootings and prostitution are common and going out after dark is not recommended.

In a TikTok, traveler Conner McBee highlights that Tijuana, Mexico is widely considered one of the most dangerous cities in the world and was reported to have 105 murders for every 100,000 residents in 2023.

He interviews a woman who works at a local pharmacy, and she warns him that criminals can “beat you up” and “take your stuff.” She continues, “(They will) take everything from you until you walk barefoot.”

Another interview with Conner on the Street paints a similar picture of the place. He says, ‘They’re taking shit from you, yeah. They take it and then everything you have.”

As he walks through the city himself, Conner tells viewers, “There’s all these whores walking up to me, like they’re watching me. Yes, I definitely don’t feel safe.’

In a TikTok, traveler Conner McBee highlights that Tijuana, Mexico is widely considered one of the most dangerous cities in the world

As he walks through the city himself, Conner tells viewers, “There’s all these whores walking up to me, like they’re watching me. Yes, I certainly don’t feel safe

In another TikTok, Courtney Leopard, who has been to more than 59 countries, reveals the cities in which she felt most unsafe. First, she chooses Havana, Cuba

One viewer agreed with Conner’s summary of Tijuana, saying, “What all happened to me there.”

Another commenter said the city is “a place I will never step foot in” because of its bad reputation.

In another TikTok, Courtney Leopardwho has been to more than 59 countries, reveals which cities she felt most unsafe in.

She emphasizes to viewers that “this is just a personal experience as a solo traveler” and in no particular order.

First, she chooses Havana, Cuba, because she said she “didn’t feel particularly comfortable walking around alone” and witnessed a robbery in the street.

Recalling the incident, she said: ‘I was walking with an older American woman who was walking behind me and this man literally tried to rob her and take her bag when she was about twenty feet behind me. So that really put me off.”

Cebu City in the Philippines is another city where Courtney said she felt unsafe.

The traveler notes that she did not stay in Manila, so she “has nothing to compare it to,” but while in Cebu, she said she was walking to the ferry dock just as it was getting dark and she was called .

“It was just… not very comfortable for me,” she explains.

YouTuber @littleshamelessviking also shared his insights on Belize City, where he says “the most violence” takes place in Belize

In an effort to help her followers, Jessica Ufuoma reveals in a TikTok the cities where she felt unsafe traveling alone as a black woman

She said she felt that people in Turkey were “unfriendly and cold” towards her, and this was felt even more in Istanbul, while Rio is also a place she would not want to return to alone.

Finally, Courtney’s other nomination is Thessaloniki in mainland Greece.

She tells viewers, “I feel like I can’t give an honest account because I didn’t spend that much time there, but I’m just going to go with it based on what happened to me and that was I was followed by a man from the bus stop to my hostel.

“It made me so uncomfortable that I had to go to a store and explain to the woman that this man was following me and she basically said she knew him and he was dealing with substance abuse so I had to avoid him.

‘It just wasn’t a good introduction to Thessaloniki.’

In an effort to help her followers, Jessica Ufuoma reveals in a TikTok the cities in which she felt unsafe as a black woman while traveling alone.

She says she felt that people in Turkey were “unfriendly and cold” to her, and this was felt even more in Istanbul.

Recalling what happened while she was there, she says, “People barely helped me and they looked at me in such a nasty way.

‘Turkey is beautiful, but please don’t go there alone.’

Other cities where Courtney said she felt uncomfortable included Rome and Venice.

The globetrotter adds: ‘Honestly, I love Italy, but not just on my own. I went to Rome and Venice and received such unsolicited attention from men asking to take me home for the night. (It was) very disrespectful and not cool at all.”

Finally, Courtney said Rio is also a place she wouldn’t want to return to alone.

In one of her TikToks, Daniela Marie highlights some of the cities and towns in America that she found most dangerous as a solo traveler

She explains: ‘I really wanted to feel safe in Rio, but unfortunately that didn’t happen.

‘Rio has a great atmosphere, but I couldn’t help but feel unsafe there. (I) had to constantly watch over my shoulders and it just wasn’t the best experience.”

YouTuber @littleshamelessviking was also about sharing his insights into Belize City, where he said “the most violence” takes place in Belize.

In his video he explores the southern part of the city, which locals say he should avoid.

While walking the streets, he meets a local man named Gatwick, who warns him not to wander the neighborhood alone.

When they arrive at a restaurant, Gatwick explains that he never leaves his house after 6 p.m. as there are ten gangs in the area that commit murder on a regular basis.

He estimates there are five to six murders a day.

@littleshamelessviking summarizes his trip through Belize City: ‘I got a nice tour of the city… got to see some of the rougher areas, some nicer parts too. I learned a lot about the city.’

In one of her TikToks, Daniela Marie highlights some of the cities and towns in America that she found most dangerous as a solo traveler.

Her nominations include Moriarty in New Mexico, where people treated her “like an alien,” Lubbock, Texas, where she was “followed by a group of guys in the grocery store parking lot,” and Memphis, Tennessee, where her car almost got broken into and she was followed by a creepy guy on Beale Street.”

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