Simple ‘jump test’ that anyone can do to instantly see whether they have APPENDICITIS – which strikes down hundreds of thousands of Americans each year

  • If you can jump up without doubling over in pain, you may not have appendicitis
  • There are other simple at-home tests to see if you have a swollen appendix
  • READ MORE: I had my appendix removed, but the doctors took the wrong organ

A simple test shows whether you have appendicitis, doctors say.

If you experience double pain while jumping, you should seek medical attention.

The appendix is ​​a 2 to 10 cm long organ connected to the large intestine. If it becomes inflamed, it causes severe pain and must be surgically removed quickly in hospital before it bursts.

Dr. Jennifer Shu, an Atlanta pediatrician, said the premise of the test is, “If you push on that inflamed peritoneum, will there be pain?”

It is especially helpful to see if a child may have appendicitis. If they jump and appear to be in pain, this could be a sign of the condition.

If you can jump without doubling over in pain, chances are you don't have a swollen appendix

Dr. Shu told NPR, “There are studies on the jump test.

“They look at what the probability is if you have a positive sign that you also have appendicitis, and that's about 70 percent, so it's high, but it's not a perfect test.”

Appendicitis can be caused by various infections, such as viruses, bacteria or parasites in the digestive tract.

It can also occur when the tube connecting the colon to the appendix is ​​blocked by stool. Tumors can also cause appendicitis.

It is important that appendicitis is treated quickly if the appendix ruptures, which can cause a life-threatening illness.

In most cases, surgeons will remove the appendix during an appendectomy. Scientists aren't sure why people need an appendix, but removing it won't harm people.

The causes of appendicitis are not clear, but it is believed to be caused by something blocking access to the organ.

Symptoms include pain in the stomach, which later radiates to your lower right side and becomes severe.

Pressing, coughing, or walking on this area can all make the pain worse. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea and fever.

There are other tests you can do to see if appendicitis is likely, Dr. Shu said.

“If you lie down and press on the lower left quadrant, is there pain in the lower right quadrant?” she said.

If so, that is another sign of possible appendicitis.

Another test: 'If you press on the appendix in the lower right quadrant, is there more pain when you release it? That's called rebounding.'

Rebound pain is an additional sign of a possible problem.

Approximately 8.6 percent of men and 6.7 percent of women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with appendicitis during their lifetime.

More than a quarter of a million cases are reported annually.

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