Why Does Weight Loss Need Strength Training?

Did you know that strength training can help increase lean mass? Lean mass is the total body weight without the weight owing to your fat mass. This implies that strength training can help with weight loss. 

If you wish to try strength training for fat loss, Maik Wiedenbach is the right person to help you. He came to the United States on a swimming scholarship, participated in the World Cup, won many awards, and in 2012, he made the Hall of Fame of his alma mater. Since that time, he established himself in New York as a respected fitness and nutrition expert. 

The personal trainer for weight loss can teach you to build the dream body that you want, with the help of science. No hype or gimmicks are involved. He offers all the tools required to help you with strength training and you only need to bring your motivation with you. 

Under the training program of Maik, you can avail various benefits like individualized workout and diet plans, gym membership, 24/7 email support, and weekly newsletters. You can also get inspired by reading 101 Fitness Training Myths, the critically acclaimed book written by Maik. 

Here are the Reasons Why You Must Perform Strength Training for Weight Loss. 

It’s an Anaerobic Exercise

This kind of exercise uses short intervals of high-intensity and demanding movements. So, these exercises depend not on oxygen but on the energy stored in the muscles. 

Strength training falls under this category as it helps increase muscle mass while cutting fat. Thus, you can lose weight while doing workouts. 

It Helps Produce Muscles

You already know that weight training helps produce muscles. This burns more calories than losing fat. For instance, 50 calories as against 20 can be burnt by 10 pounds of muscles as against 10 pounds of fat. 

Initially, shedding weight is easier but finally becomes difficult without muscles. Therefore, strength training for weight loss is effective since it helps build muscles alongside. In the process, you gain lean muscles which are highly metabolic fat-free tissues. These can burn more calories than any other tissues in your body can.

It Leads to the After-Burn Effect

The effect of after-burn is caused by excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). Since weight training works less on duration and more on intensity, it highly stimulates EPOC. So, when you breathe hard after hitting the gym, the body does its best to help you return to your pre-workout state. That way, high levels of energy are spent.  

A linear relationship is seen between strength training and EPOC. The after-burn effect stays longer as your strength training intensifies. Today, weighted high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is considered one of the most effective workouts to stimulate EPOC. 

In 2022, 41.9% of US adults were found to have obesity. Keeping in mind the vast part of the population that’s overweight, it is high time to visit a personal trainer for weight loss. Being consistent with your weight training workouts can help you shed fat over time. 

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