Shocking poll reveals Kamala Harris with nine-point lead over Trump in crucial swing state… raising alarm bells in battlefield war

Kamala Harris has a nine-point lead over Donald Trump in a key state where the outcome is still uncertain, a new poll showed on Tuesday.

The poll also found she was ahead of the former president in two other key states, though by smaller margins.

An Independent Center poll found Harris leading Trump 51% to 42% in Wisconsin, a state Democrats consider part of their “blue wall,” a series of three states they consider essential to capturing the White House.

In the other two “blue wall” states — Michigan and Pennsylvania — Harris holds a five-point lead (49% to 43%) over Trump and a four-point lead (49% to 45%) over Trump.

New poll shows Kamala Harris ahead of Donald Trump in three key states

Harris has gained momentum in the race since replacing Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee, after Biden trailed Trump in the polls.

Biden won all three states in the 2020 election, but Trump won them in the 2016 battle, the year he defeated Hillary Clinton.

A New York Times/Siena poll over the weekend produced similar results, with Harris leading Trump by four points in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Of likely voters in each state, 50 percent said they were likely to vote for Harris, and 46 percent said they were likely to vote for Trump.

Harris is now in a stronger position than Biden was in May, and is expected to gain even more momentum after next week’s Democratic convention.

The vice president is even challenging Trump in his home state of Florida.

A USA TODAY/Suffolk University/WSVN-TV poll found Trump winning 47% of the vote in the Sunshine State, while Harris won 42% of the vote.

But the poll has a margin of error of 4.4 percent, meaning Harris has all but clinched the Republican presidential nomination with less than three months to go until Election Day.

The new poll is the narrowest gap between the former president and Harris in the state since she took the lead on the Democratic presidential ticket after President Biden withdrew from the race in July.

Florida was once considered the most popular presidential election state in the country, but recent elections have turned the state red.

The last Democrat to win the state in a presidential election was former President Obama in 2012. Trump won the state in 2016 and in 2020

Data from several polls shows Harris ahead.

Harris leads Trump by 1.1% Average RealClearPolitics poll.

It led polling guru Frank Luntz, who has been called “The Nostradamus of pollsters” for claiming Harris is leading Trump this week.

Luntz delivered his analysis of the 2024 presidential election on Wednesday during a Zoom event with No Labels, an independent political group.

Veteran pollster Frank Luntz has winning advice for Donald Trump and Kamala Harris

“Make no mistake, Trump’s lead at the Republican Convention after it was over is gone. It’s been wiped out. And if the election were held today, I truly believe Harris would beat Trump. That much has changed in the last two weeks,” he said.

Luntz also pointed out that the fight is “still up for grabs,” with just over three months to go until the November 5 election.

And he gave each contestant advice on how to win.

“If this campaign is about inflation and immigration, Donald Trump wins. If this is about the candidates’ qualities, Kamala Harris wins,” he said.

“Trump is not well-liked as a person,” Luntz noted, but he also acknowledged that voters are satisfied with the way Trump has run the country as president.

But Joe Biden’s administration is not well-liked, he said, and that’s bad for Harris — even though “she has the energy and the excitement that voters want.”

He said he would advise Trump to talk about the border, immigration and the economy, while Harris should focus on her vision for the country.

Trump has been focused on personal attacks against Harris lately, coining two new nicknames in the past week — “Kamabla” and “Kamala Crash.” He has also questioned whether the first black president is actually black. Harris has a black father and an Indian mother.

Harris, in turn, has ridiculed Trump for his comments, focusing on his personal shortcomings, including his recent conviction in New York in connection with a hush-money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels.

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