Shocking moment TikTokker tells illegal immigrants how to ‘invade’ American homes and invoke squatter’s rights as provocative video is seen more than 3M times

A TikTok influencer is advising illegal immigrants on how to “invade” American homes and invoke squatters’ rights, making it difficult for them to be removed from properties.

Leonel Moreno, who goes by @leitooficial_25 online and appears to be a Venezuelan migrant, has told undocumented immigrants that under US law we can “seize a house if it is not occupied.”

He is referring to squatters’ rights, or adverse possession laws – a common law principle that allows an illegal occupant to acquire ownership of a property on the basis of continued occupancy without the consent of the legal owner.

Moreno, who claims he has friends who have “already taken about seven houses,” argued that the only way for migrants not to live on the streets or be a “public burden” is to “seize” abandoned properties and ‘to invade’.

The now viral video, which has been viewed more than 3.9 million times, has sparked outrage among many social media users. Some claim Moreno is “promoting terrorism” and are now calling on the FBI and Department of Homeland Security to take action.

Squatters’ rights laws exist in all fifty states and have created a crisis across the country. ‘Serial squatters’ are taking over homes and helpless families chased from their homes by thugs are desperately turning to vigilantes to reclaim their homes.

Leonel Moreno, who goes by @leitooficial_25 online and appears to be a Venezuelan migrant, has been advising illegal immigrants on how to “invade” American homes and invoke squatters’ rights, making it difficult for them to get out of properties to be removed.

His video comes in the middle of a squatting crisis in the US. A woman caught three squatters in this house in Flushing, Queens, New York on Sunday. They fled the building

‘Serial squatter’ Sang Kim refuses to leave this $2 million home in Bellevue, Seattle, Washington and has pulled the same trick on his previous landlords

Moreno, who reportedly lives with his partner and their daughter in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio, has amassed more than 501,000 followers on TikTok by making videos targeting migrants.

The immigrant influencer encourages illegal immigrants to take over vacant homes in a video posted four days ago.

Moreno, speaking in his native Spanish, told his followers: “I found out that there is a law that says that if a house is not occupied, we can confiscate it.”

He argued that the law applies to “land invasions” and said he thinks “that will be my next thing, raiding abandoned houses.”

After unveiling his next business venture, Moreno brought up the alleged successes other migrants have had seizing property.

“My African friends have told me that they have already taken about seven houses,” he continued. “You have to look for the return, and the return right now is the intrusion of a house.”

He further argued that squatting is the ‘only way not to live on the streets and not to be a public nuisance’.

Moreno also claimed that the law states that if they overtake abandoned houses that have “deteriorated” or are in “poor condition,” repair them and live in them, they can “seek credits” when the properties are sold.

The video has infuriated social media users, with some claiming he “should be charged with any crime.”

“I’m pretty sure this is illegal and I feel like he’s encouraging others to participate in illegal activities,” one TikTok user commented.

Another echoed: “Go get a job. Don’t wait any longer for us taxpayers to support you.’

“There is literally NO law that says that, but go ahead and try…” wrote another.

One user added: ‘This guy always thinks the worst and illegal ways to make a living and for some reason he gets away with it.’

The video was reposted on X and also received a negative response. One user claimed Moreno is “promoting terrorism” and asked, “Where are the @FBI and @DHSgov to track down and arrest this man?

“Why do we even have laws in this country that allow illegals to enter homes that aren’t theirs? Our country is being taken over. And our government is allowing it to happen.”

It is unclear whether authorities are aware of Moreno’s video or investigation. has reached out to the FBI, Homeland Security and Columbus Police for comment.

The now viral video, which has been viewed more than 3.9 million times, has sparked outrage among many social media users. Some claim Moreno is “promoting terrorism” and are now calling on the FBI and Department of Homeland Security to take action.

Moreno, who has bragged in previous TikToks about making money by begging on the streets and collecting government fees, promotes a concept known as squatters’ rights.

Squatters’ rights, also known as adverse possession, allow someone living in a property illegally to continue using or occupying it if the legal owner does not take action against him or her within a certain period of time.

Although squatting is technically a form of trespass, the trespasser must intend to make the property he was illegally occupying his permanent residence.

Squatters will often take control of abandoned or unattended homes because they are less likely to be watched, according to asset protection firm Anderson Business Advisors. But a squatter does not immediately receive the right to adverse possession.

Squatters’ rights must be established within a certain period of time, varying by state and ranging from seven to more than twenty years.

Some local authorities take even less time to establish unlawful possession.

New York City takes a more progressive view of the law and allows someone to claim squatter rights after living in a property for just 30 days.

Under city law, it is also illegal for a landlord or homeowner to change the locks, turn off the utilities or remove the squatter’s belongings from the property.

In all states, a property owner must follow a legal eviction process to remove squatters. This process can look different from authority to authority, but usually starts with notifying local police and filing an eviction lawsuit.

A squatter with a long criminal history was evicted from a $500,000 Atlanta-area home after moving in while the home’s owner, an Army officer, was on active duty

The LAPD raided the $4.3 million Beverly Hills party house in January after reports of a home invasion

The residents of the $4.3 million mansion claimed to be valid tenants, but the homeowner and real estate agent deny that any lease agreements exist

Dating back to the days of the Wild West, squatting has become a crisis in America in recent years.

Last week, revealed how eentire communities Los Angeles and Atlanta have been ravaged by criminals who have turned houses into strip clubs and organized late-night raves.

Residents of Texas And Colorado has also detailed how they do this are tormented by a serial killer who runs circles around the police.

There is a backlog in the number of squatters across the country and desperate families are turning to vigilantes who promise to confront the squatters head-on.

Eviction advocates have warned that it is only a matter of time before the disputes turn violent and potentially fatal.

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