Ron DeSantis says even HE can’t afford a Tesla and rejects Biden’s push to put more electric cars on the road

Ron DeSantis says even HE can’t afford a Tesla and rejects Biden’s push to put more electric cars on the road

  • DeSantis claimed he doesn’t want and can’t afford a Tesla electric vehicle
  • Comes as he scolds electric vehicle manufacturers for using products from China
  • With a net worth of $1.17 million, a salary of $130,000 and a book deal, DeSantis could buy a Tesla, starting around $40,000 and going up to more than $100,000

Ron DeSantis claimed during a speech revealing his economic policies on Monday that he couldn’t afford — nor wants to — one of Elon Musk’s Teslas.

The Florida governor told supporters in New Hampshire that he wants to reverse President Joe Biden’s policy that will force auto companies to produce electric vehicles as part of a green energy path.

DeSantis argues that Biden’s policy of eliminating vehicle emissions will only make the US more dependent on China, where the components needed for these cars come from.

“Forcing people to make EVs, you know, I think it’s a big mistake,” DeSantis said. ‘First of all, many Americans, they just don’t want it. And I think Tesla makes a really good product.”

Florida governor and 2024 hopeful Ron DeSantis said Monday he doesn’t want and can’t afford a Tesla vehicle, while berating electric car companies for using products from China

He added, “It’s not necessarily something I could afford or want. But I understand that people like it.’

With a net worth of $1.17 million, according to state 2022 disclosures as of June, a salary of more than $130,000 as Florida governor, and a lucrative book deal, it’s highly likely that DeSantis could, in theory, afford to to buy a Tesla.

Vehicles listed on Tesla’s own website range from about $40,000 to over $100,000, depending on the model and modifications.

During his remarks on Monday, DeSantis praised Musk by claiming that the CEO of Twitter, Tesla and SpaceX wants to look at using more natural resources in the US and other friendly countries as an alternative to sourcing from China.

When asked if Musk used the resources from China for his vehicles, DeSantis defended the man who staged his campaign launch earlier this year on Twitter.

“Well, look, I think if you ask him (Elon), I think he’s recognized that we need to do more of the rare earths here in the United States, or at least in countries that aren’t as adverse to us are. DeSantis claimed.

“So I certainly recognize that and I think that’s something that our China policy will try to address,” he added. ‘That takes time, that won’t happen tomorrow.’

With a net worth of $1.17 million, a governor’s salary of more than $130,000, and a book deal, DeSantis could buy a Tesla car, starting around $40,000 and going up to more than $100,000 depending on the model and modifications.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and Twitter, hosted DeSantis’ campaign launch on his newly purchased social media platform in May. DeSantis says Musk is determined to get more materials for his electric vehicles from the US and friendly countries

He said forcing companies like Ford and GM to make electric vehicles will hurt US car companies because there is simply “no demand for them.”

“We’re going to reverse Biden’s policies that try to force Americans to buy electric vehicles,” the 2024 hopeful assured. vehicles are going to be made in China.’

A huge cornerstone of the governor’s Declaration of Economic Independence is to decouple any dependence on US economic success from Chinese industry.

He also wants to increase domestic energy production to reduce the US’ dependence on hostile countries and work towards energy independence.

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