Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reveals the only reason he thinks Dr. Fauci has avoided prison for his response to the COVID pandemic

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said the only reason why Dr. Anthony Fauci is not in jail because Joe Biden was elected president.

Kennedy sat down with former Fox News host Glenn Beck for a recording of his podcast, which was released on Saturday.

During the nearly hour-and-a-half sit-down, both Kennedy and Beck expressed anger over the U.S. government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with Beck ultimately asking Kennedy why Fauci was not behind bars.

“Well, he’s not in jail because Joe Biden is president,” Kennedy began. “And because, unfortunately, Donald Trump colluded with – or was run over by him.”

In previous interviews, Kennedy said he would prosecute Fauci — the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases — over his COVID response.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy spoke with former Fox News host Glenn Beck for a recording of his podcast, the episode of which was released Saturday

Most of their anger was directed at Dr.  Anthony Fauci (left), who led the White House Coronavirus Task Force under former President Donald Trump and then joined the Biden administration.

Most of their anger was directed at Dr. Anthony Fauci (left), who led the White House Coronavirus Task Force under former President Donald Trump and then joined the Biden administration.

Fauci was a prominent member of Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force and then joined the Biden administration to lead the ongoing COVID response.

He initially supported closing schools and businesses to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Fauci has been criticized for giving mixed advice on masking and urging the public to get vaccinated against the disease.

Kennedy in particular objected to the lockdown policy – ​​which took place during the Trump administration.

The independent candidate argued that “Trump was rolled.”

“He came in and said I’m a businessman, I’m going to run this place like a business, right? He gave the keys to all our stores and businesses to Tony Fauci and closed down 3.3 million businesses,” Kennedy said. “But we shifted 4 trillion in wealth upwards, we shut down all the little guys.”

Kennedy also recalled people getting shoes indoors — from surfers in Malibu, to skateboarders in Venice, to basketball players in Compton.

“And by then we already knew that COVID only spread indoors,” the presidential hopeful argued. “The way to stop it was to stay in the sunlight and get healthy.”

Both Kennedy (left) and Glenn Beck (right) expressed anger at the US government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Both Kennedy (left) and Glenn Beck (right) expressed anger at the US government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic

The candidate also claimed that the only numbers that dropped during the pandemic were reports of child abuse — but Kennedy pointed out that these reports mostly come from the schools.

“We have all these children locked up in apartments with their abusers, without meals, because they get their only hot meal a day from the schools,” Kennedy fumed. ‘What we have done to the development of our children is simply criminal. …we just destroyed this generation.”

“The medical profession has disgraced itself,” the prominent anti-vaxxer added.

In the interview with Beck, Kennedy mentioned ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as legitimate COVID treatments — despite the medical profession widely believing this to be untrue.

“Donald Trump knew what was wrong. He knew not to close our businesses. And he knew about, you know, lockdowns, he knew about ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and yet – and he said it, he tried to say something – but his own bureaucrats told him to shut up and he unfortunately did as he was told . Kennedy argued.

Kennedy, a former Democrat, said Trump therefore does not deserve a second term.

The independent candidate is currently trying to secure ballot access in all fifty states ahead of November’s general election, with polls showing mixed results on whether his candidacy will hurt Trump or Biden more.