Republicans warn Biden’s cabinet they will strip their SALARIES as alternative for impeachment

House Republicans look to cut the salaries of some of their key targets in the Biden administration as impeachment of these officials remains a divisive topic in the caucus.

Dating back to 1876, the Holman rule is an obscure legislature that allows legislators to cut or even cut the salaries of specific federal employees.

Before becoming Speaker of the House of Representatives earlier this year, Kevin McCarthy decided to reintroduce the Holman Rule, after it had been inactive under the earlier Democratic majority Congress. This paves the way for top leaders to support the move to cut salaries — and effectively fire — members of Biden’s team.

The possible targets could see their salaries go to zero using the Holman rule, are Attorney General Merrick Garland, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and even investigators who work for Jack Smith, the special counsel of the Justice Department, which is in charge of the classified documents case against Donald Trump.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has already paved the way for the use of the Holman rule, which would allow House Republicans to cut salaries — possibly all the way to zero — for cabinet and other federal government officials

Instead of impeachment, which continues to be divisive among House Republicans, the pay cut route is more accepted by the rank and file members of the GOP. The target list includes Attorney General Merrick Garland (left) and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (right)

Garland earned a salary of $221,400 in 2022, Mayorkas earned $203,500 in the same year, and Wray earned $172,000 annually.

Rep. Andy Biggs agrees with using the Holman rule as a way to monitor “negligent conduct” on the part of cabinet officials.

“Use of the Holman Rule, combined with the pursuit of articles of impeachment, will better assist Congress in holding rogue federal actors accountable,” Arizona Congressman Matthew Tragesser spokesman told

“Congressman Biggs has long called for implementation of the Holman Rule and believes it is an appropriate tool to practice given the Biden administration’s negligent behavior.”

The Holman rule came in response to an exception to another rule, so that government employee salaries can be adjusted without authorization from the law. Holman’s rule change would allow legislation not only to increase salaries, but also to reduce federal spending.

There are no limits on the amount of change in salary, so in theory Congress could cut federal salaries all the way down to $0.

While impeachment continues to be divisive among House Republicans, the Holman rule is seen as a more viable option within the party. That doesn’t necessarily mean it would be successful, since Democrats still control the Senate and Biden would have to sign all credit-related legislation.

Some lawmakers are also wary of the alternative, arguing that reinstating and using the Holman rule is a slippery tactic that Democrats could use on Republican administrations in the future.

“Let’s say Ron DeSantis happens to be the next president, and now [Democrats] will cut off his cabinet because they don’t like his policies,” a Republican lawmaker told Politico. ‘This is getting worse. We need some common sense.’

Another target of the pay cut could be FBI Director Christopher Wray

Republicans have also threatened to go after associates of DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith, who is leading the classified documents case against Donald Trump

It’s the same tit-for-tat argument Republicans have used against impeaching the Supreme Court. If the Democrats expanded the court in an effort to gain a majority on the bench, the Republicans could simply expand it again to regain a majority when they have power with the potential of an ever-expanding judicial system power.

When the Holman Rule was first passed, it was done in a party-line vote. It indicated that the majority expected the amendment to the law to help arm them in battles with the majority of opposing parties in the Senate and White House at the time.

This is the same predicament the House Republicans are in now — with a Democratic Senate and a White House.

Colorado Rep. Kevin Buck isn’t exactly sold on impeaching these officials, but is more willing to look into pursuing the Holman rule to cut salaries for some cabinet members and their team.

“It’s not what the Constitution says,” Buck told Politico about the prospects of impeaching members of Biden’s cabinet. “You know, people make all sorts of accusations and say, ‘We have to impeach!” But I haven’t seen any documents suggesting that [Garland] somehow changed the plea for Hunter Biden

“All these things need to be worked out.”

He added: “If we have a problem, a policy difference – not major crimes and misdemeanors – with Secretary Mayorkas, the right procedure is to reduce his salary in the credit process.”

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