Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville reports former CIA director Michael Hayden to police for saying he should be ‘removed from the human race’

Senator Tommy Tuberville called the police after former CIA director Michael Hayden suggested he should be “removed from the human race” over being barred from military appointments.

Tuberville is blocking the confirmation of key military figures in protest of the Pentagon’s abortion policies.

On Monday, X user Nathalie Jacoby asked if the Arizona Republican should be “removed” from his work in Congress, which includes serving on the armed services committee.

Hayden reposted the question, adding: “How about the human race?”

It sparked a swift wave of condemnation and accusations that he was calling for the assassination of a senator.

Former CIA director Michael Hayden has criticized Senator Tommy Tamperville, who continues to block senior military appointments, suggesting he should distance himself from the “human race”.

Tuberville said Hayden’s comment was “disgusting and disgusting” and had reported him to Capitol Police because it constituted a “serious crime” politically motivated violence.

He said: “This statement is disgusting and repugnant to everything we stand for as Americans. Given General Hayden’s long career in Washington, he must have known that in making such a statement he was committing a serious crime.

“If we still have a non-political justice system in this country, then General Hayden will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

He said there has been a “deafening silence” from Democrats.

“I certainly didn’t expect to be threatened by former government officials like Michael Hayden,” Tuberville added. “Anyone who truly cares about our country must condemn this reckless statement.”

Hayden was unrepentant despite the backlash.

“I was surprised to wake up this morning to find that many MAGAnuts had lost their minds over my suggestion that ‘Coach’ Tuberville should not be considered a member of the human race,” he posted Tuesday morning.

“I stand by that view. I wish you a good day even to the intransigent Tommy Tamperville.’

His comments angered Tuberville’s allies.

“He should be arrested immediately. Yes, I said it,” posted Mike Flynn, who was Donald Trump’s first national security adviser before he was fired after it was revealed he lied to the vice president about his contacts with Russian officials.

“He’s talking about wiping out a sitting US Senator from the human race (his words!!!)!

“Our nation is in such danger right now and there is almost zero trust in any of our governing bodies. This lack of trust is precisely because of arrogant A$$e$ like Hayden.”

Logan Dobson of Republican consulting firm Targeted Victory posted: “Them: Media and deep state not out to get Republicans, this is a conspiracy theory

“CNN National Security Analyst and Former CIA Chief Michael Hayden: Tommy Tamperville Should Be Killed”.

Tuberville, a former college coach, has delayed hundreds of dates with his boycott.

He says he won’t back down unless Congress votes on the Pentagon’s abortion policy.

Hayden had no regrets Tuesday morning despite the backlash

After the Supreme Court struck down the nation’s right to abortion, advocacy leaders introduced a new policy to ensure service personnel had access to reproductive health care — even if they were stationed in states with strict bans.

It means the Pentagon will pay for out-of-state travel for services like IVF and abortion.

Tuberville has registered his disapproval since February, preventing the armed services from unanimously approving nominations and sending them to the full Senate for a vote.

The result is that hundreds of senior military appointments are vacant, to the chagrin of Democrats and some on Tuberville’s side.

The senator has made it clear that he will not back down even after the outbreak of violence in Israel.

Hayden was among dozens of retired military personnel who expressed disapproval in an open letter in August.

“To jeopardize the planning and readiness of our military and our national security to make a political point is way out of bounds,” they wrote.

“The world is too dangerous for us to cede our leadership, so we urge Senator Tuberville to quickly end his impeachment and respect our nation’s service members and their families.”

Hayden, a retired four-star general who resigned from the CIA in 2009, was less reserved in his online comments.

Last month, a social media user asked if it was wrong to call Tuberville a racist.

“I have aphasia. Sometimes my meaning is not clear. What I meant to say is that Tuberville is absolutely racist. Or, in other words, it’s not wrong to say he’s racist,” Hayden replied.

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