Read Tasmanian pub’s ‘brutally honest’ job ad ahead of the Christmas rush: ‘We’re desperate for staff’

A café’s ‘honest’ vacancy has attracted the attention of thousands of people ahead of the busy Christmas period.

The Weldborough Hotel in Tasmania is ‘desperate’ for staff and is prepared to make concessions to potential employees.

The wanted tongue-in-cheek post started by asking for “top performers who have proven experience in a high-pressure environment, ideally with references from Gordon Ramsay or Heston Blumenthal.”

But then the owner came back.

“Actually, who are we kidding? We are desperate for kitchen and reception staff,” the ad read.

‘If I can’t find anyone before Christmas, I won’t have a business after that. ‘Criminal record? Who cares. Drug addiction? Join the club. Alcoholic? Don’t get me started on it.’

Tasmania’s Weldborough Hotel is ‘desperate’ for staff – and willing to make concessions to potential employees

According to the 2016 census, Weldborough had a population of just 28 – a possible reason why the position would be difficult to fill.

Thousands of people have come together after coming across the pub’s vacancies on social media, with many joking about how ‘realistic’ and ‘relatable’ it was.

“This ad is fantastic and I would love to work for them,” said one.

‘Yes, this pub is an absolute classic in Tassie. Very strange,” wrote one local resident.

“I love your sense of humor and I wish you the best of luck in finding someone!” said a third.

‘It’s such a beautiful part of the world; you could mountain bike on your days off,” one man offered.

But many others couldn’t bring themselves to feel sorry for the local pub.

“When someone complains about a lack of staff, I think of the thousands of times I’ve been rejected and I can’t find it in me to care,” one person said.

“That probably still doesn’t apply to anyone who doesn’t have much experience – this kind of thing is always misleading,” wrote another.

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