‘Prison Karen’ Ghislaine Maxwell accuses a guard of sexual abuse

‘Prison Karen’ Ghislaine Maxwell accused a female guard of sexual assault for confronting the disgraced socialite about her lax personal hygiene, DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal.

The officer pulled Maxwell, 61, aside after fellow inmates complained she wasn’t showering after coming off the running track at Florida’s FCI Tallahassee.

It is said that foul language and the term ‘hooha’ – slang for an intimate female body part – were involved, leaving the Oxford-educated prisoner baffled.

“The officer never touched her. It was just a conversation about cleanliness and the need to shower more often. But the officer has a mouth like Cardi B and was completely tactless about it,” an insider told DailyMail.com.

Max insists it was a personal matter and the officer had no right to bring it up. She reported the encounter as she claimed it made her feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

She may seem a little shocked quickly for a convicted sex trafficker, but that’s Max. She doesn’t see herself that way, she acts and talks as if she were innocent.’

Ghislaine Maxwell, 61, was confronted by a female guard after inmates complained she wasn’t showering after coming off the outside lane

Maxwell, who has filed more than 400 complaints about her condition at Florida’s FCI Tallahassee and has been branded “Prison Karen,” accused the guard of sexual assault

Maxwell is locked up in FCI Tallahassee, which could be her home until July 2037

Our source explained that it’s common for sex offenders to avoid showering behind bars because the stalls are the most likely place to be ambushed with a homemade knife or soap wrapped in a sock.

A spokesman for Maxwell did not comment on an inquiry into the alleged abuse, which was investigated three weeks last October before prison authorities closed their investigation.

It’s just one of 12 or more allegations of misconduct Maxwell has leveled against the staff of the low-security federal lock-up she’s serving 20 years for being an accomplice of Jeffrey Epstein.

The disgraced British socialite is still struggling to adjust to her grim life behind bars after spending most of her life surrounded by luxury and wealth.

Documents obtained by DailyMail.com show that Maxwell has accused employees of harassment, unprofessional conduct and discrimination under the 14th Amendment and freedom of religion laws.

She bombards the prison authorities with complaints about food, a lack of hot water, being denied access to a computer and that her mail has been tampered with.

In all, Maxwell’s complaints include nine pages of “administrative remedies” files obtained from the Federal Bureau of Prisons under the Freedom of Information Act.

The British-born felon has filed further complaints alleging “incorrect or inadequate” dental and medical treatment for eye problems and skin rashes.

A December 2022 entry states that Maxwell says she has not been able to see an ob-gyn and needs an ultrasound.

The records also show that Maxwell has already applied for compassionate release twice — despite having 19 years left.

Our sources tell us that the numerous submissions are probably the tip of the iceberg, as anything particularly egregious or unresolved would be exempt from disclosure.

Not only does Maxwell file numerous complaints for herself, she also uses her job in the prison’s law library to advise other inmates on how to do the same, our insider adds.

Her presumed end goal is to create such a stink that she gets transferred to another facility, preferably FCI Danbury, the Connecticut lockup that inspired Orange is the New Black.

“Tallahassee is big, old, ghetto. Max has too many enemies and she wants out,” our source explains.

“Danbury is smaller and mostly for white-collar criminals and she thinks she’ll get there by causing as much fuss as possible.”

Ghislaine Maxwell has filed more than 400 complaints about adverse prison conditions since she began her 20-year sentence at FCI Tallahassee last July

Insiders told DailyMail.com that Maxwell berated a transgender cellmate known as “Batman” — a career criminal convicted of gun crimes — for having noisy sex sessions late at night.

DailyMail.com revealed last month that Maxwell earned her nickname “prison Karen” because of the more than 400 petty complaints she’s filed behind bars.

The sex trafficker has planned the bland vegan menu options, demanded prison authorities give her access to hair dye and even complained about a transgender inmate having noisy sex in the bed above her.

Maxwell also bagged plush hypoallergenic bedding after grumbling to staff that the standard prison pillows caused her allergies.

Her moans date back to July 2020, when she was incarcerated at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, New York, awaiting federal trial for grooming minors.

There, her lawyers accused prison authorities of violating her rights by shining a torch into her cell every 15 minutes, subjecting her to invasive body searches and filming her the entire time.

The daughter of disgraced British newspaper magnate Robert Maxwell was sentenced to two decades behind bars in June last year and the judge advised her to serve out her time in Danbury. But the Bureau of Prisons had other ideas and sent her 1,000 miles south to the Sunshine State.

Controversy erupted when she used the prison’s video calling system to give an interview to British broadcaster Jeremy Kyle in which she claimed, without evidence, that Prince Andrew’s now-infamous photo with Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre was a fake.

Maxwell told British broadcaster Jeremy Kyle that the infamous photo of Prince Andrew with his arm around prosecutor Virginia Giuffre was a fake.

Once a wealthy socialite and daughter of a British publishing magnate, Maxwell (pictured with Donald and Melania Trump in 2000) will be 80 years old by the time she can enjoy social outings again

DailyMail.com revealed how the chat landed Maxwell 48 hours in the Special Housing Unit – a ‘prison within a prison’ made up of small, grim cells where inmates are confined for 23 hours at a time and fed through slits in the door.

In March it was the turn of two Cuban prisoners who were both thrown into solitary confinement for 47 days after Maxwell reported them to authorities for attempting to blackmail her.

The two bullies found out that their strict vegan neighbor had an “appointment” with a kitchen worker who would give her extra fruits, veggies and tofu and thought they could use the information against her.

They wrote Maxwell a threatening letter demanding $360 worth of items from her commissary allowance, but the Brit immediately turned it over to prison authorities.

Maxwell lived in fear of a beating when the couple got out, but one of the Cubans has since been moved to a halfway house in Laredo, Texas and the other has been moved to another housing unit.

Maxwell – federal prisoner 02879-509 – will be 75 by the time she is released unless she can successfully appeal her conviction for aiding ex-lover Epstein, who hanged herself behind bars in 2019 instead of standing trial. She has a release date of July 17, 2037.

Federal prosecutors this week argued in a new lawsuit that Maxwell’s conviction for grooming girls as young as 14 should stand and denied claims she was used as a proxy to assuage public outcry over Epstein’s crimes.

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