Prime Video Movie of the Day: 12 Angry Men is a claustrophobic courtroom drama that deserves a perfect Rotten Tomatoes score

Widely regarded as director Sidney Lumet’s best film, 12 angry men (now available on Prime Video) is one of the best courtroom dramas ever to hit the big screen. Released way back in 1957, the film hasn’t diminished its considerable power either, as this powerful film remains a masterpiece to this day.

For anyone who hasn’t seen or heard it yet: 12 angry men takes place in one location – a small courtroom, to be more precise – where an all-male jury of 12 must decide whether the teenager at the center of this trial is innocent or guilty. The catch? Eleven jurors think he committed the crime in question, while only one of the group – Juror 8, known simply as Davis and played by Henry Fonda – thinks he is innocent. The film follows Davis’ attempts to convince his fellow jurors that the murder accused is not guilty of the said crime. Without revealing anything else about the plot, 12 angry men is a masterclass in acting and writing, and should be watched as soon as possible on one of the world’s best streaming services.

Why 12 Angry Men deserves its 100% rating