Poll: Americans think Trump, 76, is more fit to serve as president than gaffe-prone Biden, 80

Nearly a third more Americans think Trump, 76, is physically fitter to serve as president than blunder-prone Biden, 80, in a new poll showing both ex-president and DeSantis would BEAT him in the 2024 matchup

  • Poll shows Americans think Trump is more fit to be president than Biden
  • Head-to-head matchups show both Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis would win the 2024 general election against Biden
  • Poll released shortly after Biden announced his re-election campaign shows approval of the president at an all-time low of 36%

Donald Trump has a lead over Joe Biden in the 2024 election with a new poll showing the former president is 6 percent more likely to get another four years in the White House.

In addition, a large number of Americans believe that the 76-year-old Trump is physically fitter and mentally sharper to serve out another term than those who feel the same way about Biden.

At 80, Biden is already the oldest ever elected president in US history — and would be 82 on his second inauguration if reelected in 2024.

With his re-election campaign announcement last month, it appears that Trump and Biden are poised for a 2020 rematch in the next presidential election, which most Americans have indicated in recent polls that they don’t want.

A new Washington Post/ABC News poll released Sunday shows Biden’s preference at the poll’s low with just 36 percent approval and 56 percent disapproval less than a month after announcing he’s running for a second term.

A new poll shows 31% more Americans think Donald Trump is physically fitter to run for president than Joe Biden

Forty-four percent of the 1,006 polled said they would “definitely” or “probably” vote for Trump in 2024 in a hypothetical matchup, while 38 percent said they would vote for Biden. Another 18 percent said they were unsure or gave a different answer than the two candidates.

When Ron DeSantis also faced Biden in a head-to-head race in 2024, the Florida governor got a 5 percent lead over the president — just one percent short of Trump’s lead.

DeSantis has not yet announced a bid for the 2024 presidency, but is expected to do so in the coming weeks.

Trump said it would be highly “disloyal” for the governor to enter the primary race against him.

When asked if Trump is physically fit for office, 64 percent said he is, while only 33 percent feel the same way about Biden, who has drawn criticism for his shuffling gait and alleged declining health.

In terms of mental acuity, 54 percent of respondents said Trump is mentally fit to “serve effectively as president,” and 32 percent say the same about the blunder-prone president.

Biden often stumbles over his words and makes confusing statements — something he has long contributed to his childhood stutter, while critics argue it is indicative of dementia or a sign of mental decline in old age.

Presidential candidate Nikki Haley has said there should be an age limit for political candidates. The former governor of South Carolina and former Trump ambassador to the UN thinks 76 – the exact same age as Trump – is too old to run the country.

The poll is being released as Trump and Biden prepare for a 2020 rematch in the 2024 presidential race. Biden’s approval rating in the first poll after his announcement shows him at an all-time low

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