Parents react to the new cleaning queen Marie Konda had given up on tidying after having three kids


Parents react after cleaning guru Marie Kondo admits she’s “given up” on keeping her house tidy now that she has three children: “Well, we all saw it coming”

  • Parents say news that Marie Kondo ‘quit’ on ordering is ‘relatable’
  • The TV star and author is famous for sharing cleaning and organization tips.
  • Moms said they felt ‘validated’ by the news, while others said they ‘saw it coming’

Parents are in shock after news that famed organization guru Marie Kondo has “given up” on keeping her house tidy after having three children.

The Japanese TV star and author has been known as the cleaning queen since her hit Netflix show aired in 2019, but now she revealed that her “home is messy” in a recent interview.

As the news spread on social media, Australian mums and dads joked that they feel “validated” by the update saying “there’s more to life than tidying up”, especially with young children.

Australian moms and dads joke online to the news organization that Queen Marie Kondo (pictured) has ‘given up’ on keeping a tidy home after having three children.

At an event to promote her latest book, Marie said that after giving birth to her third child in 2021, she realized that keeping a tidy home is much easier said than done and she wants to prioritize spending time with her family.

“Until now, I was a professional cleaner, so I did my best to keep my house tidy at all times,” she was quoted as saying at the event. Washington Post.

‘I’ve given up on that in a good way for me. I now realize that what is important to me is enjoying the time I spend at home with my children.’

In a recent interview, Marie said that she used to keep her house tidy at all times, but now she prefers to spend time with her children.

Marie’s best-known ordination advice was to get rid of things in the home that don’t ‘spark joy’, a famous phrase she coined in her first book.

Parents online found the news that the cleaning professional ‘gave up’ on keeping a house immaculate all the time ‘relatable’, while others said they always saw it coming.

“She had three kids and realized that trying to keep a house tidy is like trying to shovel snow in a blizzard,” said one mother.

Parents online found news that cleaning professional ‘gave up’ keeping house immaculate all the time ‘validating’ while others said they always saw it coming

There is more to life than ordering. No one on their deathbed wanted to have their home more organized. Good for her.

“She’s one of us now,” wrote another, while a third simply said, “FINALLY.”

‘You know what doesn’t bring me joy? Marie Kondo telling me to throw things away,” a fourth commented.

More parents were discussing Marie’s revelation in a Reddit thread with one saying, “You have no idea how validating I find this news.”

Some weren’t fans of the TV star and author, however, others were happy that she had taken a more laid-back attitude to ordering.

‘So two kids is the maximum before even the tidiest of us gives up? lol sounds good! a second laughed.

‘I have a three foot tornado for a toddler, high energy puppy and am currently pregnant. Ordering does not generate joy”, joked a third.

Another mother speculated: ‘Don’t kid yourself. Only that woman’s house is still immaculate.

‘Dear God. They broke Kondo. What hope is there for the rest of us? someone asked.

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