Palm Bay man, 24 shoots and kills Catholic priest and his sister before turning gun on police officers during ‘domestic disturbance’

A gunman shot dead in Florida after killing his grandfather and wounding two police officers had just killed a retired priest and his sister, police said.

Officers arrived at a Palm Bay home after receiving a routine report of a man causing a disturbance and damaging property during a birthday party on Sunday afternoon.

A gunfight broke out that ended with 24-year-old Brandon Kapas, who was killed after shooting two officers and fatally wounding his grandfather William Kapas, who had tried to intervene.

Police then discovered an arsenal of weapons in his car, which they discovered was registered to an address in the north of the city.

When they went there later that evening, they found the bodies of Father Robert Hoeffner, 76, and his sister Sally in the home they shared.

Brandon Kapas, 24, had already killed two people when police in Palm Bay were called to deal with the disturbance he caused at a family birthday party

Across town, Father Robert “Bob” Hoeffner, 76, (pictured center last year) lay dead next to his sister after being shot dead by Kapas in front of his car.

Kapas’ grandfather William was also shot dead by his grandson after he tried to calm him down

“The actions of our officers yesterday prevented something even more tragic and devastating from happening and possibly an active shooting type incident,” Palm Bay Police Chief Mariano Angello said at a news conference.

“Our officers did what they were trained to do, and that is to neutralize and stop a threat to our community.”

News of the death shocked friends and colleagues of the popular Catholic priest, who last year celebrated 50 years in the ministry.

“Throughout his priesthood, Father Hoeffner served the people of God with compassion and humility,” said the Rev. John Noonan of the Diocese of Orlando.

“We will miss his gracious presence. We know that he and his sister will be received by the Lord with mercy and love.”

Kapas had a string of previous arrests dating back to at least 2019 in Brevard County for drunken driving and drug offenses, and resisting arrest.

Police who arrived at the home on Forgal Avenue NE at 2:30 p.m. Sunday were alerted by his uncle that Kapas may be armed.

That’s when Kapas was seen running out the front door and heading toward the stolen car.

Neighbors saw the moment police officers fired the fatal shots at Kapas

Police were then shocked to discover an arsenal of weapons in Kapas’ stolen car

Officers took cover when shots rang out in the quiet Forgal Avenue neighborhood

Some used the door of a patrol car as cover to protect themselves from the bullets

Palm Bay Police Chief Mariano Angello told a news conference that his officers prevented “what could potentially have been an active shooter incident.”

Chief Angello said he was tasered after refusing to comply with a request to stop, but managed to break free during a scuffle with officers.

Two officers were shot and wounded before more officers arrived on the scene and chased Kapas into the street as he fired back at them.

The man’s grandfather was caught in the crossfire before the 24-year-old himself was shot dead.

“It’s a very quiet neighborhood and on our street we have looked after each other very well, so when something happens it’s shocking,” said a neighbor. Fox35.

“It’s really scary because this is like my home area so it’s overwhelming to see all this happening,” said another.

“It’s too close to home.”

Father Hoeffner was born in Rochester, New York, before moving to Fort Pierce as a child, and began training for the priesthood at age 14.

He founded the parish of St Isaac Jogues and fronted the diocese’s TV broadcasts for many years.

He became pastor of St Joseph Parish in Palm Bay, where he would continue to serve the parish and school community until his retirement in 2016. Last year he reflected on the joy his career had brought him.

“I remembered walking into a McDonalds in Georgia during a youth group field trip and someone said, ‘You’re the TV priest!’ he said.

‘The Mass was performed in five dioceses. I am proud to have been part of that.

‘I had a fantastic ride. I am proud to serve and do great things for great people. I enjoy doing that.

“I’ve spent 50 years doing absolutely incredible things and I thank God for it.”

Augello said both of his injured officers were expected to recover in hospital, and he also paid tribute to the slain priest.

“He was a pillar of the community that I am aware of for many, many years before his retirement,” he said.

“Two of our officers were shot today doing their job, which is to protect and serve our community and the members and our citizens of Palm Bay,” he added.

“We will not tolerate raising of arms or any form of deadly force or aggression toward our police officers.”

Father Hoeffner celebrated his 50th anniversary last year and called it a ‘glorious ride’

Kapas had a string of previous arrests dating back to at least 2019 in Brevard County for drunken driving and drug offenses, and resisting arrest

“It’s really scary because this is like my home area, so it’s overwhelming to see all this happening,” a neighbor told Fox35.

Palm Bay Mayor Rob Medina also praised the injured officers.

“I was saddened to learn of the tragic events in our beloved city,” he said.

“My thoughts and prayers are with the families experiencing the loss of the lives of their loved ones. “I am grateful to Father God that our law enforcement officers do not have any life-threatening injuries.

“They continue to exemplify service above self as they serve and protect our families.”

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