Obama responds to Biden’s car crash debate with Trump as Joe’s allies admit his performance was poor but chose to stand with him

Former President Barack Obama has finally spoken out about his former vice president’s atrocious performance in his debate against Donald Trump.

“Bad debate nights happen,” Obama, 62, wrote on X on Friday afternoon, breaking his silence hours after the first 2024 presidential debate.

The former president admitted that his 81-year-old friend has failed to do a good job of convincing voters that he should be commander in chief.

“But this election is still a choice between someone who has spent his life fighting for ordinary people and someone who only cares about himself,” the 44th president continued, attacking Trump’s ego.

Obama’s support for Biden also comes at a crucial time, as many people within the Democratic Party appear to be turning against the elderly driver after his debate over the car crash.

Barack Obama came to his former vice president’s defense, saying Friday that bad debates happen a day after Joe Biden’s on-stage car crash against Donald Trump

“Between someone who tells the truth, who can distinguish right from wrong and tells the American people the truth, and someone who lies for personal gain,” Obama continued.

“Last night didn’t change that, and that’s why so much is at stake in November.”

Another Democratic superstar also praised the president on Friday, though she noticeably did not mention the debate.

“The choice in this election remains very simple,” Hillary Clinton wrote on X.

“It’s a choice between someone who cares about you – your rights, your prospects, your future – and someone who only cares about themselves.”

“I’m voting for Biden.”

The president himself even admitted that his performance on Thursday was subpar, telling a crowd at a rally in North Carolina on Friday, “I don’t debate as well as I used to,” but “I can do the job.”

After the debate aired on CNN, the network conducted a poll showing that two-thirds of voters believed former President Trump won the presidential debate.

Opinion writers in major US newspapers have published pieces calling on Biden to step aside and let another Democrat take his place as leader of the party.

Although one of the Democrats, California Governor Gavin Newsom, has said the idea that Biden will step aside is a joke.

Several leading Democratic congressmen also admitted that Biden had had a “bad night.”

“He’s a great president, he got off to a bad start,” said former Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “Integrity versus dishonesty on the worst night comes to the fore.”

Progressive Caucus co-chair Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., said, “He had a bad night.”

Biden spoke in a soft, low voice and often finished his answer without using the full time allotted to him

“I think we all know it wasn’t what we wanted,” she added. “But he’s the president, with Democrats, who has made the biggest investment in addressing climate change.”

During the debate he seemed to freeze at times, sometimes for a very long time, and he had difficulty stringing together strong, coherent statements.

Furthermore, he was very soft-spoken and did not always spend all the time he had answering questions about important policies.

Still, Biden has said he plans to participate in another debate with Trump in the fall.

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