Netflix Movie of the Day: Gerald’s Game reveals the dangers of sex-based games in a creepy adaptation of Stephen King’s 1992 novel

Film adaptations of Stephen King novels are nothing new, but Netflix has taken its time to deliver a live-action film based on one of the acclaimed author’s literary works. While every other studio has taken its pick of what many consider its best stories, there are only a few that haven’t been adapted for the big and/or small screen – Gerard’s game Amongst them.

And yet here we are, discussing the world’s top streaming service’s attempt to do justice to King’s 1992 novel of the same name. For the uninitiated: Gerard’s game is a psychological horror that starts with a failed sex game. Jessie (Carla Gugino) and Gerald (Bruce Greenwood) decide to spice up their love life, but when tragedy befalls her husband, Jessie is left helpless because, well, she’s left handcuffed to their bed. Oh, and there’s no way she can get the key to regain her freedom. Without spoiling anything, things go downhill quickly and horribly from there.

A game not worth playing, but a movie worth watching

From the seemingly endless number of Stephen King film adaptations, Gerard’s game is one of the better attempts at delivering a film that matches its rich source material. That’s largely thanks to Gugino’s incredible performance: “It’s a stunning showcase for Gugino, so often underutilized, who takes on a difficult, physically limited role with gusto,” The guard wrote at the time of its release in 2017 – and the keen directorial eye of Mike Flanagan.

If you’re familiar with Flanagan’s other works such as The ghost of… series and The Fall of the House of Usher (these are some of the best Netflix shows out there), you know he’s more than adept at jump scares and psychological horror. Add to that some intricate editing and a suspenseful screenplay – Flanagan co-wrote it with Jeff Howard – based on King’s novel, and you have all the ingredients for a modern creepy thriller.

Considering the critical acclaim it received, it’s not surprising that so many reviewers enjoyed it. The Hollywood Reporter said “the film is (Flanagan’s) most successful to date, the result of years spent worrying about his characters and their fear. He’s so good at it, he even makes it look easy”. Uproxx was similarly effusive in his praise, saying: “Flanagan has mastered how to get the best out of a single location, and Gerald’s Game often conveys a sense of mounting tension and dread through small details.”

CinemaBlend however, summed it up best, noting, “If this is any indication of what a continued collaboration would bring, Netflix and Stephen King should seek as many opportunities as possible to stay together”. Unfortunately, with Flanagan signing a first-look deal with Netflix’s fierce rival in Prime Video, we won’t see him tackle any more King-based stories for the first. Still, Gerard’s game is a movie we should add to our best Netflix movie guide at some point.

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