Netflix Movie of the Day: Gerald’s Game reveals the dangers of sex-based games in a creepy adaptation of Stephen King’s 1992 novel

Film adaptations of Stephen King novels are nothing new, but Netflix has taken its time to deliver a live-action film based on one of the acclaimed author’s literary works. While every other studio has taken its pick of what many consider its best stories, there are only a few that haven’t been adapted for the big and/or small screen – Gerard’s game Amongst them.

And yet here we are, discussing the world’s top streaming service’s attempt to do justice to King’s 1992 novel of the same name. For the uninitiated: Gerard’s game is a psychological horror that starts with a failed sex game. Jessie (Carla Gugino) and Gerald (Bruce Greenwood) decide to spice up their love life, but when tragedy befalls her husband, Jessie is left helpless because, well, she’s left handcuffed to their bed. Oh, and there’s no way she can get the key to regain her freedom. Without spoiling anything, things go downhill quickly and horribly from there.

A game not worth playing, but a movie worth watching