My husband gave my cat to an animal shelter – he said our bond is ‘creepy’ so I’m filing for divorce

A woman has revealed she is divorcing her husband after he gave her cat to an animal shelter without her consent.

Earlier this week, the anonymous woman, from the US, turned to Reddit to ask if she had overreacted.

In her post, the woman explained how she adopted a kitten two years ago to cope with the loss of her father.

Describing how she had a ‘hole’ in her life, she wrote, ‘I found it hard to keep myself busy around the house during the day, so I decided to adopt my cat Benji.

“I rescued him when he was small enough to fit in the palm of my hand and I’ve had him for two years.”

The woman, who is from the US, shared her dilemma on Reddit earlier this week. She said she believed her cat was her father’s reincarnation [stock photo]

The woman admitted that her confession may sound “crazy” to some members of the forum and continued, “I do believe that Benji is the reincarnation of my father.

“When I look into his eyes, I feel something more than a cat.

Born like a cat with a human soul. All the timing is right, at least it makes sense to me.

“Even though I’m crazy, the thought comforts me and I don’t see anything wrong with it.”

That said, the wife says her husband has begun to feel that her attachment to Benji is “strange and unhealthy.”

She wrote, “He says my bond with the cat drives him crazy and makes him uncomfortable that I do believe he has my father’s soul.

“It’s been two years since he died, Benji really saved me. He’s the best companion I could have wished for.’

While recently traveling to celebrate her mother’s birthday, the woman’s husband took the opportunity to get rid of their cat.

The woman explained how her husband had used her family vacation to get rid of her beloved cat

She explained, “I had no idea what was going on while I was gone. When I got home and couldn’t find the cat, my first thought was that it somehow got out.

“This already worried me because we never released him, God knows what could happen to him!

‘After my frantic search within and on my way out to keep searching, [my husband] tells me that Benji is “staying with a friend.”

Writing the post, the woman had been under the impression that her cat was with her husband’s and his wife’s co-worker – with whom they occasionally go out for dinner.

When she called the colleague, the man told her that Benji was given to him “fair and square” and refused to give it back.

Devastated by the turn of events, she continued, “My husband had no right, the cat has always been mine alone.

“I adopted him, I raised him, I care about him, I’m the only one who ever spends money on him. I’m at my wits end at the moment.

Since the post was published two days ago, the majority of Reddit users have reassured the woman that she had done the right thing by ending her marriage

“Benji has never experienced anything like it and I can only imagine how much stress he must be feeling right now. I’m sure.’

In a follow-up post, the woman explained how she threatened to get the police involved — which is how she found out that her husband had actually given Benji to a local animal shelter.

Describing how she was “furious with rage,” she added, “I immediately tracked down the shelter to pick up my boy, I had all my documents needed to prove he is mine, and he has a microchip.

“I immediately took him to my sister’s house, where I will stay for the time being.

“My sister had been through a divorce and remarried, so she will help me get all my ducks lined up and prepare for the divorce.

“I am heartbroken, but also incredibly thankful that my poor boy is now safely home! He was obviously stressed and confused, but he’s getting used to my sisters pretty well.

“My brother collects all the supplies for me, I haven’t been home and haven’t seen my husband since I went to the shelter.

“My family has supported me in my decisions and they are all willing to do whatever it takes to help me when I need them.”

Since the post was published two days ago, the majority of Reddit users have reassured the woman that she had done the right thing by ending her marriage.

One of them said, ‘The reincarnation part is irrelevant, he did an unforgivable act. Some people are worthless.’

Another added: “So the guy was actually jealous of a cat […] Which ad****d. I’m glad she’s divorcing him, he’s much more unhinged than he thinks.’

Meanwhile, a third said, “It always amazes me that people do things like this and never think, ‘hmm, this could end my relationship.'”

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