Miss Pennsylvania contestant pulls out of pageant after ‘rival’ sends bloodcurdling death threats vowing to burn her, her dogs and boyfriend alive

A Miss Pennsylvania pageant contestant has withdrawn from the competition after receiving chilling death threats from her rival, saying she feared for her safety.

Former Miss Susquehanna Valley Robyn Kass-Gerji took to Instagram on Saturday to announce that she hung up her crown just days before the parade was set to begin Thursday at the Appell Center in York, Pennsylvania.

She said, “It’s a shame, but I won’t be competing in Miss Pennsylvania this week. I have officially resigned as Miss Susquehanna Valley 2024.

“After months of death threats, harassment, and being granted a two-year protective order following a lawsuit, I am still not safe attending the Miss Pennsylvania Competition in York, PA.

“I can no longer continue to support an organization that is meant to empower and uplift women, when in reality I feel like I have been re-victimized and shamed by the organization and those who work around it .’

Robyn Kass-Gerji, a contestant in the Miss Pennsylvania pageant, has withdrawn from the competition after receiving chilling death threats from her rival, saying she feared for her safety.

In her statement, the now-retired beauty queen said that “the whole point of competing” was so she could earn scholarship money, and to “stand up for those who cannot or will not stand up for themselves.”

“How can I be part of a program that has failed me when I have tried to stand up for myself and the other young women who have been harassed and attacked,” she added.

Kass-Gerji, who is Jewish, said she has been performing in pageants for years, and started her journey after being “really bullied in high school” to “help boost my self-confidence.”

In an interview with CBS 21 NewsKass-Gerji said she has received death threats and has been a victim of bullying in recent months.

She claimed that the person responsible for sending the threatening messages is a fellow Miss Pennsylvania contestant who is also vying for the crown.

Screenshot shows an example of the type of text messages Kass-Gerji received from one of her fellow contestants, causing her to withdraw from the Miss Pennsylvania competition

Messages Kass-Gerji received included death threats against her, her boyfriend and her pets

She shared screenshots of the text messages, which were allegedly sent from a phone number connected to a fellow participant.

The threats were against Kass-Gerji, her family, boyfriend and her pets.

One screenshot showed the person behind the death threats telling the former pageant contestant, “I swear if you leave DC I will ruin your house.” I’m coming to DC and burning your house down and whatever you scream while your stupid dogs die. It’ll be so funny.”

Another message said: ‘Maybe I’ll take care of that awful boyfriend of yours.’

Each text she received grew darker. A creepy one said: ‘I can’t wait to see the life disappear from your eyes as I crush your whole world. You will do it yourself. Or I’ll kill you.’

Kass-Gerji held the position of Miss Miss Susquehanna Valley 2024

The former pageant participant hoped to earn a scholarship through the competition

Kass-Gerji ultimately removed herself from the competition for her own safety

Other messages threatened her pets and her boyfriend.

“Tell him if I kill you, I’m going to kill him too. And your stupid dogs’.

Another message reads: ‘I will stab your friend first and then burn down your house so everyone thinks you did it.’

The person responsible for sending these messages has not been charged with a crime.

Kass-Gerji also told CBS that she was also personally threatened by the same person during the Miss Pennsylvania orientation.

The former Miss Susquehanna Valley 2024 beauty queen spoke to CBS 21 News about her decision to withdraw from the competition

‘It was a very quick incident. “I went to the bathroom when she came out and she whispered, ‘I’m going to get rid of you, I’m going to hit you,’ and she just kept walking and I just kind of stood there,” she told the cameras.

The two women eventually went to court and Kass-Gerji obtained an anti-stalking order from a Washington DC court, which ordered the rival contestant to stay at least 100 meters away from Kass-Gerji.

However, the order provided an exception for parades, requiring the two participants to be six meters apart.

However, Kass-Gerji said she had not received any specific plans from the Miss Pennsylvania Scholarship Foundation regarding safety during the competition, as well as the other events leading up to it.

This led her to give up her Miss Susquehanna Valley crown.

“I didn’t want to do it, but in the end it was the best decision for the safety of myself and my loved ones,” Kass-Gerji said.

Following Kass-Gerji’s resignation, the Miss Pennsylvania Scholarship Foundation released a statement saying, “Of course, safety and security are always paramount in Miss Pennsylvania’s activities.” We want to ensure that all our candidates, volunteers and judges are safe whilst in York for competition week activities. This year we have brought in additional security services from an external local company to ensure that this week’s activities go as planned and we can create a positive and memorable experience for everyone involved in our program. To further specifically address petitioner’s concerns, the York City Police Department was notified and a copy of the Anti-Stalking Order was forwarded to them. Detailed plans were also put in place to keep participants separated. All this was in addition to the security of the event location and the many supervisors who are present all week.’

However, the foundation said it believes there is another reason why Kass-Gerji may have resigned.

“Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the petitioner appears to be registered to vote in Washington DC, has a car registered in Washington DC and has been working there since 2023. She also appears to be listed as a current candidate for a competitive election. election in Washington DC, which is a separate breach of her contract.”

The foundation added that Kass-Gerji resigned when she was asked to provide a copy of her current driver’s license to confirm her actual residency was in Pennsylvania, citing “safety concerns.”

However, the former contestant disputed this, telling CBS 21 that she owns a home and pays her taxes in Pennsylvania.

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