Melissa Cohen becomes furious with Trump aide outside husband Hunter Biden’s trial: ‘Nazi piece of s***’

Hunter Biden’s wife, Melissa, walked out on a former Trump staffer Tuesday morning and called him a “Nazi piece” in a dramatic outburst outside the Delaware courtroom of the first son’s gun crimes trial.

Melissa, wearing a baby blue jacket, pink shirt and heels, got six inches from former Trump associate Garrett Ziegler who attended the trial, pointed to his face and said, “You have no right to be here, you piece of Nazi.” .’

Ziegler did not answer.

He has become infamous among the Bidens after publishing extensive material from Hunter’s laptop through his right-wing nonprofit Marco Polo.

The courtroom hallway at Hunter Biden’s federal weapons trial erupted into chaos Tuesday as his wife Melissa Cohen became enraged at a former White House aide to Donald Trump.

“I haven’t said a word to them yet,” Ziegler told ‘I’ve been very professional here, with my hands in my lap the whole time.

‘And just to be clear: I’m not a Nazi. I believe in the United States Constitution.”

Hunter is currently suing Ziegler in California federal court for alleged “computer hacking” over embarrassing photos, videos and other material he published from Hunter’s abandoned laptop.

Hunter is currently suing Ziegler in California federal court for alleged “computer hacking” over embarrassing photos, videos and other material he published from Hunter’s abandoned laptop

Before Melissa’s outburst, Hunter’s “sugar brother” Hollywood attorney Kevin Morris stared at him from the front row of the courtroom’s public seats, where he sat next to Hunter’s half-sister Ashley Biden and stepmother First Lady Jill Biden.

“I’m not here to make a scene,” Ziegler added. “She made a scene.”

He said Hunter and his attorney Kevin Morris’ lawsuits against him were “completely frivolous.”

“Hunter needs to drop the civil lawsuits and focus on paying his lawyers. Unlike him, I have to pay. My lawyers don’t work for free,” he said, referring to reports that Morris’ multi-million dollar loans to Hunter to fund his legal defense had been tapped and that the First Son has stopped paying his burgeoning bills to Lowell’s firm , Winston & Straw.

During that morning’s trial, both the prosecution and defense gave their opening statements to the jury, followed by testimony from FBI Special Agent Erika Jansen, who investigated Hunter’s gun crimes.

Prosecutors told the court that Hunter bought a revolver and “full metal jacket” bullets while addicted to crack cocaine and living a life of “non-stop debauchery.”

At the opening of his trial on gun and drug charges, prosecutors said Biden “smoked crack every 15 minutes” when he bought the gun on Oct. 12, 2018.

Biden has pleaded not guilty to two charges related to lying on his federal gun purchase form by saying he was not an addict, and one charge of possessing a firearm while addicted to narcotics.

FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen was the first witness to take the stand. She was assigned to Hunter’s case last fall.

Prosecutor Derek Hines told the jury that Biden went to StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply and “examined its large inventory” before selecting a .38-caliber Colt Cobra revolver.

Cohen approached Garrett Ziegler and called him a ‘Nazi piece of s***’ who had no right to keep an eye on the case

Ziegler did not respond to Cohen as she walked into the courtroom to take a seat next to First Lady Jill Biden (photo as she walks into the courtroom today)

Cohen walks out of the courtroom the second day after her outburst

Jill Biden was also pictured leaving after an explosive day in court

He also purchased a ‘speed loader’ with which the five rounds could be loaded quickly.

Mr Hines said he had purchased a type of ‘lethal ammunition’ known as a ‘full metal jacket’, which was better at ‘tearing to shreds whatever it comes into contact with’.

Hines also told the jury that the suspect filled out a federal gun purchase form that was viewed by a gun store employee.

They were shown the form and where he placed an ‘X’ in response to a question to indicate he was not a drug user.

Hunter was in possession of the gun for 11 days, the jury was told.

During that time, someone close to him became concerned.

Hines said, “That person is Hallie Biden, his brother’s widow, with whom he was romantically involved.”

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