Melbourne cyclist questions masculinity of car passenger on Rye Morning Peninsula

Confrontational moment where an angry cyclist taps a car window, questioning the passenger’s masculinity – when the reason for his anger is revealed

  • Cyclist blows lid on passenger because of comment
  • Passenger called his buddy a ‘bicycle puller’
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An irate cyclist has blown up at a car passenger after he allegedly called a fellow cyclist a “cyclist”.

The incident took place on the streets of Rye on Melbourne’s Mornington Peninsula on Tuesday morning after the passenger antagonized one of the cyclist’s friends.

In a video posted to TikTok by the young passenger, the cyclist can be seen approaching the car and asking the filming man to leave the car.

While the car passenger laughs at the request, the cyclist responds with a gesture that questions his manhood.

“Bloke is not happy after this one,” the video caption reads.

“Mate doesn’t like being called a biker.”

At the beginning of the video, the passenger and another person can be heard laughing before the cyclist approaches the car.

“Oh s***, his buddy’s here,” the cameraman says, turning the camera quickly to his lap.

The cyclist then pats the side of the car to get the passenger’s attention.

“Where are your balls now?” says the cyclist.

The camera quickly pans up to get a better view of the cyclist when they reach the side window.

“Do you want to go outside?” continued the cyclist.

“Mate go,” replies the man in the passenger seat.

“You’re having such a good time, mate,” says the cyclist, making a thumbs-up gesture with his fingers.

The cyclist then drives away from the car while the passenger laughs.

The cyclist dared the passenger to leave the car before making a gesture that questioned his manhood (pictured)

A cyclist has blown up against the passenger of a car that a fellow cyclist called a “cyclist”.

Social media users quickly jumped on the video, commenting on the passenger’s toughness from behind a window.

“Bro is afraid of an old man on a bicycle,” one user wrote.

“How are these guys going to hide the phone and roll down the windows,” wrote a second.

“Classic little guys talking tough until face consequences and they slam shut…big tough guy in your locked car,” wrote a third.

“Honestly, this is the first video of a cyclist that I’m on the side of the cyclist.

However, some users sat on the passenger side.

“That’s funny, he should have gotten off and stolen his bike,” one user wrote

“Can’t believe you didn’t beat the biker boy to hell,” another wrote.

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