Megyn Kelly criticizes Always for referring to women as ‘bodies with female genitals’

Megyn Kelly berates Always for referring to women as “bodies with female genitalia” in a pamphlet for her menstrual products: “We are WOMEN. GIRLS.’

Conservative podcaster and pundit Megyn Kelly attacked the feminine hygiene company Always for referring to women as “bodies with female genitals.”

She denounced the company for its pamphlet titled “Always’ Puberty and Confidence Guide for Parents and Carers,” which refers to developing young women as “young people with female genitals.”

The company did not use the words “girls” and “daughters” in the guide, instead using “young people” and “child.”

In response to a article about the pamphlet’s release, Kelly tweeted, “Dear Always: We are not ‘bodies with female genitals.’

Conservative podcaster and pundit Megyn Kelly slammed feminine hygiene product company Always for labeling women as “bodies with female genitalia”

Responding to an article on, Kelly defended women against the “inhumane” reduction of sex organs the brand is trying to impose

‘We are women. GIRLS. And we are the only ones who get periods and buy products from your pathetic, inhumane and apparently misogynistic brand,” she wrote.

On one page of the 22-page pamphlet, the company added the following line: “It is important that all young people understand puberty and menstruation from an early age, to prepare them for the changes they, or someone they know , will experience.’

The attention Kelly drew to the pamphlet prompted Twitter users to proclaim that Always would be the next target of a conservative boycott.

“After this, they will no longer be a leading health product brand,” one user wrote.

“Always now erases women, the people who BUY their products,” another wrote, adding “#boycottalways.”

The pamphlets were included in “puberty kits” designed by the brand, which contained sanitary napkins and panty liners that were distributed to schools for distribution to students.

In a section on the menstrual cycle, the guide says, “Each month, bodies with female genitals prepare for pregnancy.”

A teacher who recently received the puberty kits, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of accusations of transphobia, said the leaflets were likely to prove “very confusing” to young women.

In the 22-page pamphlet intended to be handed out to school-age children, the brand wrote: “Here’s a quick refresher of the changes young people with female genitals go through during puberty”

Always is the latest in a growing list of brands to venture into the culture war by apparently taking a stand in the controversial debate around gender and sexuality

“I think girls will struggle to understand how this relates to their own bodies and their own experience,” the teacher added.

”’Bodies with female genitals” may not be immediately identifiable as a girl in a child’s understanding, especially if English is not their first language or if a child has additional learning needs.’

Milli Hill, author of a bestseller about female puberty called My Period, said, “‘Female genitalia bodies’ couldn’t be more inhumane and offensive.”

“Unfortunately, this is yet another example of companies trying to erase women and ignore their needs in a rush to appease trans activists.”

Always is the latest in a growing list of brands to venture into the culture war by apparently taking a stand in the controversial debate around gender and sexuality.

Bud Light’s recent collaboration with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney sparked an outpouring of backlash that has led to an alarming drop in the brand’s sales.

Target, the nationwide retail chain, lost more than $10 billion in market cap in the past week and a half as consumers reacted negatively to its pride-themed clothing line for kids.

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