MCCAIN: Hunter wants to reduce payments for his child. The president won’t admit she’s alive

Hunter Biden appeared in a northeastern Arkansas courtroom Monday morning for a child support hearing.

You will be excused for not being aware of it.

After all, most of the mainstream media—and worst of all, the President of the United States—has done their best to ignore it. But frankly, it’s a long-running national disgrace.

Allow me to explain.

Ironically, at a White House “Bring Your Kid to Work Day” event last week, Biden was asked how many grandchildren he has.

It’s a question only an innocent child would ask the most powerful man in the world.

Biden’s response was shocking.

He told the crowd of sweet, trusting, naive children that he has six grandchildren. But that’s a flat lie. Joe Biden has seven grandchildren.

The human not named is Marine Joan Roberts, Hunter’s four-year-old daughter. She is persona non grata in the White House.

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Hunter and an Arkansas woman named Lunden Alexis Roberts are Navy parents.

But that’s a flat lie. Joe Biden has seven grandchildren.” class=”blkBorder img-share” />

Biden told the crowd of sweet, trusting, naive children that he has six grandchildren. But that’s a flat lie. Joe Biden has seven grandchildren.

The human being not named is Marine Joan Roberts (above) – Hunter Biden’s four-year-old daughter. She is persona non grata in the White House.

Navy was reportedly conceived in a relationship that took place while Hunter was still involved with his brother Beau’s widow, Hallie Biden. Mrs. Roberts gave birth to Navy in August 2018.

Subsequently, Hunter denied paternity of the child, but a 2019 DNA test reportedly proved otherwise and has since gone unchallenged. In 2020, Hunter reportedly settled with Roberts for $2.5 million.

If that was the end of the story, it would be bad enough, but it isn’t. This horrible, sordid drama rolls on.

Incredibly, Hunter has sought to reduce his child support payments to Ms Roberts – claiming ‘a substantial material change in (his) financial circumstances’ since the 2020 settlement.

Did you understand that?

Poor Hunter just can’t afford it.

This is the same Hunter, who recently returned from a whirlwind trip to Ireland with his dear old dad. White House says Hunter ‘paid’ [his] way.’ And I don’t doubt it. But how much does a seat in Air Force One cost?

This is the same Hunter who sells his rather crappy artwork for up to $500,000 each to anonymous buyers.

The same man allegedly funded by Hollywood entertainment attorney Kevin Morris, who allegedly paid more than $2 million in back taxes from Hunter; whose daughter Naomi enjoyed a lavish White House wedding; who reportedly received a $2 million dollar advance on his memoir and is now considering another book; who reportedly lives in a $20,000-a-month rented Malibu mansion and enjoys a taxpayer-funded security guard who rents out a $30,000-a-month house nearby.

Sure, the president’s family deserves protection, but could it be true that Hunter is claiming financial hardship?

Well, it’s true. And it gets worse.

In his memoir “Beautiful Things,” the recovering crack addict claimed that he refused to accept that Navy was his daughter because, in his drug-induced haze of sexual “disasters,” he had “no memory” of his intimate relationship with Ms. Roberts.

As is the case with Hunter, that’s probably not the whole story.

Text messages, reported exclusively by, reveal that Ms. Roberts and Hunter had more than a passing acquaintance. Apparently, according to the texts, she was on the payroll of Hunter’s closed-end financial firm, Rosemont Seneca.

Mrs. Roberts also appears to have texted Hunter several times to speak to him.

‘Contacted a few times, it’s clear you don’t want to be reached. Need to talk to you. If you feel the need to get in touch, my line is always open. Hope all is well,” she wrote four times while pregnant.

All four times she received no answer.

However, Hunter asked his assistant in December 2018 — after the baby was born — to tell him who was on the company’s insurance plan. He was told that ‘Lunden’ had been removed.

And now, since Navy’s birth, according to court documents, Hunter “never saw or contacted” the child and couldn’t get her out of a photo rig.

What a guy!

See, who knows what Hunter was aware of in the depths of his addiction. But at least there is very good reason to doubt the explanation he has put forward so far.

Hunter Biden appeared in a northeastern Arkansas courtroom Monday morning for a child support hearing.

Incredibly, Hunter has sought to reduce his child support payments to Ms Roberts – claiming ‘a substantial material change in (his) financial circumstances’ since the 2020 settlement.

But if there’s one thing the Washington Press Corp and the Democratic Party are good for, it’s giving Joe and Hunter a pass.

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They have known about the Navy for a while and have turned a blind eye. Most reporters had nothing to say as the Biden family hung Christmas stockings in our White House and displayed all but one of our president’s grandchildren.

It’s all, unfortunately, very Maury Povich. Something you would expect from a trashy daytime television show and not from the family that lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The horrific tragedy of it all is that a sinless child is the victim. But instead, 53-year-old toddler, Hunter Biden, is the one who gets all the protection.

Why can’t the president recognize her? Doesn’t he know that America would embrace her with open arms?

You would think that a Democratic party that claims to care for the most vulnerable among us would be outraged by a Democratic president who denies the existence of a child.

But they are not.

It’s actually pretty typical for progressives to tear their clothes at the plight of faceless marginalized masses, but when it comes to the people in front of them – there’s very little humanity.

This is a pattern.

Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones and Jennifer Flowers were infamously dismissed as “bimbo outbursts” by the Bill Clinton presidential campaign.

Hillary Clinton was a facilitator of her husband’s prodigious infidelity.

In an interview with ABC News, Hillary called Flowers “a failed comedian who doesn’t even have a resume to fall back on.”

Hunter and an Arkansas woman named Lunden Alexis Roberts are Navy parents.

In 1992, she told Esquire magazine that if she ever cross-examined Flowers, she would “crucify her.” (Bill Clinton eventually admitted to having a sexual relationship with Flowers)

Lunden Roberts’ treatment is not all that different.

While it is usually reported that she worked as an exotic dancer in Washington D.C., it is less commonly noted that she used the job to pay for her tuition at George Washington University.

And to those who try to excuse this blatant behavior and say, what else do we expect from the White House?

I say: they must have some decency.

It is not without precedent.

Democratic vice presidential nominee John had an affair with his campaign videographer, Rielle Hunter, and together they had a child named Quinn.

At the time, his wife, Elizabeth Edwards, was battling breast cancer that eventually killed her. But before Elizabeth died, she met John’s child.

Elizabeth’s sister told People magazine in 2010, “She thought about it for a long time, wrapped a bunch of Christmas presents, took them to the baby, and was so happy when Quinn got close to the toy truck and the doll.”

For his part, John Edwards is also reportedly a part of Quinn’s life.

“I consider him family. I mean, he’s family. I absolutely love him,” Rielle Hunter told ABC News in 2016. “We have the same goals. We want what’s best for Quinn.”

Democratic vice presidential nominee John had an affair with his campaign videographer, Rielle Hunter (top left), and together they had a child named Quinn (top right).

But the Bidens have taken a different path.

Let me ask you a question, Mr. President.

How can you heal a nation if you can’t acknowledge the life of your own grandchild?

This is yet another example of Biden’s fraying of authenticity. On a very personal level, I feel like he is no longer the man I used to know.

He positions himself as compassionate, but everything is wrapped in lies, including his false invocations of Beau Biden’s death as that of a war hero.

Yes, Beau served his nation valiantly. But he did not die in distant Iraq, as the president claimed. Beau died surrounded by loving family and friends.

America certainly cannot look to the mainstream media to make these observations. So it is up to the American people to demand that this not be ignored.

On the 2024 campaign trail, Joe Biden should be asked at every event: How many grandchildren do you have? Can anyone honestly say that President Trump or President Bush would be treated differently?

I cannot accept that our nation is so far gone that we are not requiring our president to speak the name of his innocent grandchild.

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