Major mistake is spotted on millions of $50 notes circulating in Australia

  • The word “responsibility” in a speech by Edith Cowan is misspelled on the note

An embarrassing spelling mistake can be spotted on millions of $50 notes in circulation in Australia as they were never recalled after being printed in 2018.

The word ‘responsibility’ is misspelled as ‘responsibility’ – although at first glance it is almost unrecognizable because the text is extremely small.

The word ‘responsibility’ is misspelled as ‘accountability’

The misspelling is found on millions of $50 bills in circulation

The note went into circulation in October 2018 – and there are still plenty of them around, as the Reserve Bank has chosen not to recall them.

The word is part of a speech by Australia’s first female politician, Edith Cowan, whose portrait appears on the note.

“I stand here today in the unique position of being the first woman in an Australian parliament. It is a great responsibility,” she said in her speech.

The spelling error is mentioned three times on the note, while the text from Ms Cowan’s speech is repeated in the draft.

In 2018, a spokesperson for the Reserve Bank of Australia said they were aware of the error.

“The spelling will be corrected in the next printing,” he said.

A spokeswoman added: ‘We are not collecting or recalling banknotes with the spelling error. They remain in circulation until they reach their normal end of life.’

In 2018, a spokesperson for the Reserve Bank of Australia said they were aware of the error.

Rare currency dealer Jim Noble said notes with the misprint will no longer be worth as there are millions in circulation.

“That’s a very embarrassing mistake,” he said.

‘The buck stops with those who produce it. It’s a joke on Australia.’

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